The Australian Motoring Enthusiast Party (AMEP) stance on vehicle exhaust noise and emissions amendments.
I am honoured to be part of the AMEP team and to have my contribution toward AMEP's stance on vehicle exhaust noise and emissions published on their website. I had written much more than this, especially in regards to vehicle emissions testing using the IM240 and EPA tests for engineering approvals, but that strategy may have more weight once we are in and demand a change of the current legislation. Yes, we do have teams of dedicated volunteers fighting for our rights behind the scenes. Members also have their say in group discussions and new legislations tabled not only toward vehicles, but the economy and regular political affairs also.
Guys, please read this article and think about your vote this coming election.
Vote AMEP Senator Ricky Muir as your number 1 choice below the line in the upcoming Senate election and be sure to put the Greens and Liberals last!!!.
Please as a favour to me (Rob) and yourselves and fellow enthusiasts, please read an extract of what I have been fighting for us for years in these links.
Those with the XForce Varex exhaust systems take note - We are fighting to have the laws amended and legalise the use of variable exhaust valve technology for use on our cars!!!
Emissions / Exhaust Technologies
In a Nutshell…
Older performance vehicles are expected to make less exhaust noise than many newer and ‘Greener’ performance vehicles. If an older vehicle isn’t on the 'DOTARS 83/00 Stationary Noise “Signature” Supplementary Data Spreadsheet”,which was introduced in the year 2005, it is subjected to a blanket 96db maximum stationary exhaust noise limit for pre January 1983 vehicles and 90db limit for post January 1983 vehicles as per Schedule 1 of the Regulation.
What you will find is that many newer performance vehicles manufactured from 2005+ identified in the Spreadsheet produce in excess of 90db (some over 100db), plus they are allowed an additional 5db grace to account for wear and tear of their exhaust systems.
However in service performance vehicles manufactured between 1983-2004 are expected to adhere to a maximum 90db limit and are not allowed an additional 5db compensation for wear and tear of their exhaust systems. Real world results would indicate that the majority of performance vehicles driven on our roads today that were manufactured within this time period would be producing in excess of 90db with their standard exhaust systems still in place. As the availability of original manufacturer parts becomes less likely the older a vehicle becomes, there is no alternative other than to turn to the aftermarket industry to supply replacement parts for alternative exhaust systems.
It is a matter of equality for starters, but also a matter of common sense and having a reasonable and achievable limit in place for older performance cars rather than having them subjected to deliberate DECC/EPA/POLICE targeting for fitment of non-standard exhaust systems or excessive noise, whilst Mr Exotic gets to drive by in his fancy new car producing more noise without the authorities even batting an eyelid.
Secondly, there is technology out there now that can help quieten down exhaust noise levels for every car on our roads, but the current Regulation forbids the use of them.
Where has the comprehension of common sense gone?
OUR AIM: To have the Regulations amended to allow an additional 5db grace for exhaust noise to cater for older vehicle exhaust system wear and tear and the unavailability of factory exhaust systems.
Exhaust Technologies...
According to the EPA, you cannot temporarily modify a vehicle’s exhaust noise or induction noise level output unless the device has been fitted by the manufacturer. Why is there no provision for older vehicles to utilise the same technology provided they can get approval?
This is again bias toward newer model vehicles having access to noise control devices to temporarily lower the exhaust noise level output, but forbids the use of such technology to be used on any other vehicle.
A couple of examples of Australian made vehicles where temporary exhaust noise level devices were used in production in recent years are the HSV Holden Commodore VE “W427 model”, and believe it or not, the brand new 2016 Holden Commodore VFII Ute on the showroom floor today, which is advertised on Holden’s page with the quote: “Unleash the heightened aural potential to allow maximum exhilaration”.
The BiModal exhaust has been tuned to provide a balance between a sporty V8 soundtrack and a refined note. The system can also be switched to a non-active mode through the infotainment system!:” To add insult to injury, it also has an induction noise modification called the quote: Mechanical Sound Enhancer (MSE)~ The MSE enhances induction noise and supplies targeted frequencies into the cabin. The MSE operates in conjunction with the BiModal exhaust to provide a balance between exhaust and induction sound character.
Here is a video of the bimodal exhaust system in action. You can hear how this gentleman revs the engine and the exhaust note is quiet. Then you will hear it again and the exhaust note is louder and deeper. That's the bimodal exhaust in action.
Listen at 3mins 20sec of video to hear about its bi-modal quiet/loud exhaust system.
And the new VFII Ute which also uses a Bimodal exhaust system - clearly advertised on Holdens website right now.
Where is the common sense in current legislation in not allowing older performance vehicles access to utilise the same newer technologies, today?
OUR AIM: To have the Protection of the Environment Operations (NOISE CONTROL) Regulation 2008, clause 18, amended to allow the use of current technology and temporary exhaust noise control equipment to be fitted to ALL cars, regardless if the device was installed as original equipment by the manufacturer or not! The technology has been out there for years, let's make it available to everybody!!!

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