Preserve our way of life and the future of our country. Not only as motoring enthusiasts, but as somebody who wants to keep the bastards honest and accountable in parliament. We've had enough of the Labor, Liberal and Greens ******** for far too long. Remember, the Greens are in bed with the Liberals. Tougher laws on cars and emissions etc will come out. Those who make a lot of money who will be able to afford electric cars will get free registration whilst the rest of us pay rego and taxes to maintain the roads, plus much more. Its just not on. Have your say and spread the word. We want to make a difference once and for all for the people, not for dodgy pollies who forget they own $2 million houses or cheat the system to avoid taxation or use public money for their own benefits and retirement funds. Lets teach these pricks a lesson!
Get ready to vote peoples!!! Your AMEP state candidates are listed below. Lets keep AMEP in the Senate by voting them #1.
You can vote Labour, Liberals and the Greens last below the line!!! Or not for them at all!!!
Keep the Politicians honest in parliament by bringing in fresh new blood and parties into the senate to keep the corrupt old major party bastards honest. Or better yet, piss the major parties off altogether this election and dont vote for any of their candidates because they dont give a damn about anybody other them greedy selves.
AMEP are fully behind Senator Ricky Muir's campaign to be re-elected in Victoria, and we encourage all Victorian members to get behind the Senators campaign. We are also happy to announce that we will also be running Senate Candidates in New South Wales and South Australia.
AMEP candidates will be publicly introduced over the coming week, but for members, here is a snap-shot of the diversity of the AMEP representation.
Rob Bryden is the lead Candidate in New South Wales and brings a lifetime of experience dealing with legislation and fighting for better driver education. Rob has a background in law, works in the automotive industry, and is an enthusiastic motorsport competitor.
Nathan Green is the lead AMEP Candidate in South Australia. With his keen interest in grass roots motor sport and working with local automotive businesses, Nathan is passionate about being a voice for motoring enthusiasts in South Australia.
Motorcycle enthusiast Judith Kuerschner is Nathan Green’s running-mate on the SA ticket. A motivated road safety advocate with a background in education, Judith is working to shift road safety focus from enforcement to driver-training and education.
Max Caruso, another Motorcycle Enthusiast, has been endorsed as an AMEP Candidate for Victoria. Max has a solid background working in the Automotive Smash Repair Industry and has been advocating for sensible regulations around vehicle noise and emissions, and is a valuable asset to the AMEP.
For more info on the Candidates
The Senator's campaign for re-election has hit the road, and the Senate Candidates are already out and about, meeting with Enthusiasts and the community generally. If you want to meet up with them (or volunteer to help out on the campaign trail) it’s never too late to become involved.
We are encouraging all Motoring Enthusiasts and like-mind people to make their vote count in Victoria, NSW and South Australia by voting AMEP #1 on the Senate Ballot Paper.
Don’t despair if the AMEP don’t have Candidates in your State. As we move towards election day, we will advise which parties are supportive of motoring issues; parties we can work with into the future to ensure the continuation of the motoring enthusiast rights and lifestyle.
The only reason we are not running Candidates in every State in Australia this election is cost. With limited resources, it was best to focus on only three States. However, we never say never. If you happen to have a rich Uncle that needs a tax deduction, then let us know. In the meantime, if you can help contribute to our election funding campaign, a little or a lot, it all helps. To those that have already contributed, we say thank you.
Get ready to vote peoples!!! Your AMEP state candidates are listed below. Lets keep AMEP in the Senate by voting them #1.
You can vote Labour, Liberals and the Greens last below the line!!! Or not for them at all!!!
Keep the Politicians honest in parliament by bringing in fresh new blood and parties into the senate to keep the corrupt old major party bastards honest. Or better yet, piss the major parties off altogether this election and dont vote for any of their candidates because they dont give a damn about anybody other them greedy selves.
AMEP are fully behind Senator Ricky Muir's campaign to be re-elected in Victoria, and we encourage all Victorian members to get behind the Senators campaign. We are also happy to announce that we will also be running Senate Candidates in New South Wales and South Australia.
AMEP candidates will be publicly introduced over the coming week, but for members, here is a snap-shot of the diversity of the AMEP representation.
Rob Bryden is the lead Candidate in New South Wales and brings a lifetime of experience dealing with legislation and fighting for better driver education. Rob has a background in law, works in the automotive industry, and is an enthusiastic motorsport competitor.
Nathan Green is the lead AMEP Candidate in South Australia. With his keen interest in grass roots motor sport and working with local automotive businesses, Nathan is passionate about being a voice for motoring enthusiasts in South Australia.
Motorcycle enthusiast Judith Kuerschner is Nathan Green’s running-mate on the SA ticket. A motivated road safety advocate with a background in education, Judith is working to shift road safety focus from enforcement to driver-training and education.
Max Caruso, another Motorcycle Enthusiast, has been endorsed as an AMEP Candidate for Victoria. Max has a solid background working in the Automotive Smash Repair Industry and has been advocating for sensible regulations around vehicle noise and emissions, and is a valuable asset to the AMEP.
For more info on the Candidates
The Senator's campaign for re-election has hit the road, and the Senate Candidates are already out and about, meeting with Enthusiasts and the community generally. If you want to meet up with them (or volunteer to help out on the campaign trail) it’s never too late to become involved.
We are encouraging all Motoring Enthusiasts and like-mind people to make their vote count in Victoria, NSW and South Australia by voting AMEP #1 on the Senate Ballot Paper.
Don’t despair if the AMEP don’t have Candidates in your State. As we move towards election day, we will advise which parties are supportive of motoring issues; parties we can work with into the future to ensure the continuation of the motoring enthusiast rights and lifestyle.
The only reason we are not running Candidates in every State in Australia this election is cost. With limited resources, it was best to focus on only three States. However, we never say never. If you happen to have a rich Uncle that needs a tax deduction, then let us know. In the meantime, if you can help contribute to our election funding campaign, a little or a lot, it all helps. To those that have already contributed, we say thank you.