Well-Known Member
Hey guys was dropin my grandparents of at the airport just going into second gear and i about to give it light acceleration when i hear a metalic tink and then notthing. car just free reved. rolled to a stop with the engine still running and in gear. i tried to change gear and it went in all the other gears fine, evn clutch felt normal but nothing would get the car to move. It just kept free reving on its own like i was in neutral.
i got under the car and there didnt apear to be and broken axiles (only a quick insp).
any ideas people, im getting the car towed home tomorrow morning i just wanna give myself a heads up on what to expexct.
i got under the car and there didnt apear to be and broken axiles (only a quick insp).
any ideas people, im getting the car towed home tomorrow morning i just wanna give myself a heads up on what to expexct.