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Mar 11, 2006
Well i have just cut/mashed my finger a lil bit about 3hrs ago and i just wrapped it up tight to stop the bleeding as it was pissing out then about 10minutes i took the bandage of to clean the cut and it is still bleeding is this normal. i have been drinking alchol today a bit and it is hot would these factors meen anything

i have been told that pepper can stop/clot the bleeding anyone know if its true \\
If you dont meet horatio and Marcellus,the rivalsof my watch,bid them make haste, i think i hear them stand ho! who is there?the bell then beating one, where nowit burnsm, what art thou that usurp'st this time it harrows together with that fair and warlike form sharked up a list of lawless motive of comulsory watch posthaste and cheif head.

I think it be no other but e'en so, good now does not divide partiqulaer sunday weekcast of brazen implements thus twice hath he gone inform mewho isnt at least a whisper subject of ther landdid say forfeitn well he stood moiety competant.disasters as behold harbingers precedding climatures countrymen whso have heard and do part believeer comes again uphoarded you spirits of mightness trains of fire and dews of blood and like doth the cock to speak upon with lofty gestures started like guilty Gosh of day.

faded bird of dawnings saviours crowing birth is celebrated like being whether in sea or fire it was absurd gainst that season comes,shall seen to light bear our hearts fitting ditty and ditto part believ for upon speak to him holding a weak enterprise supposal valiant brother full of proportions and further voltemeand good cornelious,surrendor of thoseyeah now must confess wrung from me tis not alone nor derctive for they actiocnare met with full swords mourning duties obligations obscerities the survivor behold so partiqualer withing passports.
well the cut is on the outside of my middle finger just below the middle knuckle
i have bandaged it up tight and if it hasnt stoped by morning i will look into it
i just carnt be ****** waiting in the er for hours in this weather for them to tell me it will be fine

anything you can recomend roger that will help stop the bleeding like ice it or something
i slipped and stuck a screw driver through my finger (with all the nice black grease), wraped it in a dirty rag, and continued removing the ball joints :roll: :lol:
being hot, would affect the clotting factor in your vessels. When you get hot vessels come closer to your skin to try and get rid of extra heat. That's why when you're freezing you're white, cos the vessels are retreating deeper to prevent losing heat.

As for alcohol, you wouldn't have drunk enough to affect it. Maybe the cut is too big to clot up itself/heal and thus the need for stitches..
As a nurse, i would reccomend you to see your local ED, cos your finger is haemorraging and depending on the extent of the injury a bandage is not going to stop the beleding, if you have severed a minor blood vessel such as a arteriol or venous vessels it will bleed and bleed.

Also you are prone to sustain a infected finger with home remedies with no proper medical first aid.

Man ive seen some one come in and get treated because they dropped a barbeque hot plate on ther toe, and belive me if you have mashed up your fingernail area , expect it to never grow again.

:shock: WOW! your a Male nurse! Good for you Roger :) You are doing Ben Stiller proud :lol:

Nothing wrong with being a male nurse, OR a medic in the ARMY as i see heaps of them around.

Kudos to you!

If its that bad mate go to a doctor and get help :(
Just dont take any aspirins to dull the pain as it has an anticoagulent effect (thins the blood and prevents normal clotting) :wink: Hopefully you've cleaned it up well with water and disinfectant and kept it free from moisture in the meantime. Your main aim is to keep it elevated and change the dressing on it regularly and keep it free from exposure to dust/dirt and moisture. Reason being is that INFECTION is your greatest concern so go and see your local hospital or GP for a tetanus shot (depends what cut you) and some antibiotic treatment. The last thing you want is to breed bacteria and infection and develop a blood infection - highly important!!! I know this from personal experience as I got one and it damn near killed me. It is THAT SERIOUS and THAT EASY to develop infection!! So look after your wounds and take the entire course of antibiotic treatment if provided - I wish I had because the blood infection I got resulted in open heart surgery and an artificial heart valve (long long long story) :cry:
[If you dont meet horatio and Marcellus,the rivalsof my watch,bid them make haste, i think i hear them stand ho! who is there?the bell then beating one, where nowit burnsm, what art thou that usurp'st this time it harrows together with that fair and warlike form sharked up a list of lawless motive of comulsory watch posthaste and cheif head.

I think it be no other but e'en so, good now does not divide partiqulaer sunday weekcast of brazen implements thus twice hath he gone inform mewho isnt at least a whisper subject of ther landdid say forfeitn well he stood moiety competant.disasters as behold harbingers precedding climatures countrymen whso have heard and do part believeer comes again uphoarded you spirits of mightness trains of fire and dews of blood and like doth the cock to speak upon with lofty gestures started like guilty Gosh of day.

faded bird of dawnings saviours crowing birth is celebrated like being whether in sea or fire it was absurd gainst that season comes,shall seen to light bear our hearts fitting ditty and ditto part believ for upon speak to him holding a weak enterprise supposal valiant brother full of proportions and further voltemeand good cornelious,surrendor of thoseyeah now must confess wrung from me tis not alone nor derctive for they actiocnare met with full swords mourning duties obligations obscerities the survivor behold so partiqualer withing passports.
2 of my ex's were nurses... Talk about a tough job ... Some of the stuff they would come home and tell me about ... And pay, and work conditions really need to be looked at for em ...

My brothers ex mother in-law was a psychiatric nurse ... Now that is a real hard job ...
I just don't understand how anyone would want to be a nurse.

Tough work
**** hours
**** Pay

Where's the reason??

All nurses are idiots imo.
Bob, someone's gotta do it mate...

And props to those who do, it's one hell of a tough job to deal with; nurses are really top people, when my sister had her baby recently she said they were the nicest people she's met in a long long time.

How's the finger?
gee mikey i hope the finger heals mate but yer if in doubt ring a docter?


btw u whernt drinking vodka out of a watermelon drawn as a face :lol:
Hey dude. I had a simular thing happened to me. A 970kg role of sheetmetal rolled off the rollers at work and trapped my finger between a pole holding a table in place and was spinning on my finger. It was really deap and down to the bone..couldnt stop the bleeding either so just dipped my hand in some salt water to slow the bleeding. Whacked on some butterfly stitches and almost a month and a half later its now starting to heal up good, still a soft spot :lol:

Kept on working too tho, which i shouldnt have done
bahahaha... it's GORE ON TIME!!!! :lol:

This happened to me just before Xmas last year. Santa was a real prick!! A ceramic/porcelain/plaster statue of Santa (fukd if I know what it was the Mrs owned it for years and I hated it anyway) fell off the entertainment unit onto the tile floor next to my foot and a shard sliced open a hole above my ankle like a razor blade!! [blood sprayed everywhere 8) ] Ended up getting infected with staph (for the freakin 2nd time in my life) and I spent a few days in hospital on IV antibiotics :roll: PS: Nurses deserve our respect and I admire people who have the heart and patience to look after others - god bless them all :D

I dont have any pics of the 148 stitches I had in and on my leg........

lets just say i'm real lucky I still have working genitalia.
turns out it wasnt good enogh for pics it just wouldnt stop bleed for some reason which made me belive it was worse then what it was anyways thanx for all the suport