Anyone own this?


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Why so called Evo ? This is a jap car in an Australian body. It is the only way to have a fully legal Evo . A jap Evo 3 has been used as a doner,the Aust body has been modified with all the internal bits before the mechanicals have been fitted. This car is fully engineered and complied including emission data not some crook id swap.
No I dont have this car for sale. but I used the same process for my car. If its good enough for shannons to insure as an Evo3 then it must be pretty close.
Andrewv said:
Why so called Evo ? This is a jap car in an Australian body. It is the only way to have a fully legal Evo . A jap Evo 3 has been used as a doner,the Aust body has been modified with all the internal bits before the mechanicals have been fitted. This car is fully engineered and complied including emission data not some crook id swap.
No I dont have this car for sale. but I used the same process for my car. If its good enough for shannons to insure as an Evo3 then it must be pretty close.

Alright Andrew fair call but......

Does this mean that:

1 you take a gsr shell;
2 you implant a evo 3 running gear and chassis mods etc...
3 it is registered as an evo3 OR gsr with 2lt conversion(is this legal i.e. not reborn or re birthed because i was under the impression that this was illegal)get it engineered ; OR
4 you bring in a genuine evo 3 and slap an Aus delivered plate on it 92-95( this is surely dodgy)?;
5 you import a genuine evo 3 and gold plate it?

Please let me know how you get the rebuilt ones registered?

I might even ring you too...i need all the facts before i look into buying one!
I am looking ATM.....AFAS have a few, and there is some (not many) floating around that are personal imports.

My interpitation of a REAL evo 3 is this:

In the country registered as evo3's, complianced, year model 95.

Not gsr with evo 3 stuff on it.

Is this everybody elses take on it?

I am sick of ppl advertising it as genuine esp when it is another year model or evo2 with evo 3 runnig gear or gsr etc...! :(

I need to close the book on this!

I will in the next few years have the funds to buy a FULLY Legal EVO 3!

I want one! :twisted:

You will receive a phone call!
I have to agree that ifyou want to be really technical because it does not have CE9A chassis no it cannot be a Evo3. I have yet to see a fully legal evo (1,2or3) even with yellow plates.
I have just done a bit of research. Evo 3 's were built from October 94 but not sold till jan 95. Give me another call at some stage. I would like to talk further .
a mate of mine had one like this, was a built up e3 a GSR shell with all the e3 stuff. including the Front LSD

ne way this thig was immaculate, it even had been fully seam welded, and was stronger that a genuine E3.. he ended up selling it for like 21.. it was an awesome car..

in my oppinion yes it might not be worth as much as a genuine article, but when everything has been done to make it as good or even better than the origional, then i dont get whats wrong with it...

after all we all mod our cars, so the are far from original, is there anything wrong with that??
This is no scam. I will vouch for Martin any day. In fact he is an excecutor in my will. ( hopfully not needed just yet)
qikvr-4 said:
in my oppinion yes it might not be worth as much as a genuine article, but when everything has been done to make it as good or even better than the origional, then i dont get whats wrong with it...

I dont think its the fact that there's something wrong with them, its the fact that people are advertising them as the genuine article, which IMO is false advertising.

Theres just so many mickey mouse rules here in Aus, and even more mickey mouse ways around them, it gets kinda confusing at the best of times!!!
Just thinking you should explain to everyone what you told me the other day on the phone about the full process of registering,compiling and building these evos, ie. how a evo 3 is brought into the country and what makes a REAL, GENIUNE evo3, and the difference between them and a rebuild/reshell?

Just to inform everybody on this and other forums as you are well informed in these issues. :D

Whats legal and whats not.
What states the cars are registerable in and not.

Just get the info out once and for all! :D

That would be great! :D


Andrewv said:
This is no scam. I will vouch for Martin any day. In fact he is an excecutor in my will. ( hopfully not needed just yet)

I didn't mean that the owner is pulling a scam.
I have just seen examples where genuine sales ad's are hijacked by scammers.
at the end of the day its not a real evo 3 but just a gsr with bits

and is much harder to sell then a legit one
As my typing is not the fastest I will make up a post over the next week and post what I know .I have been around imports for a long time and seen just about everything ( good and otherwise). Leave it with me for a few days.

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