Balance and Harmonic balancer questions


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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
Hi guys, in the next few weeks I will have my rotating assembly balanced and I wanted to find out a few things before I went ahead with it.

I understand that the flywheel and crank pulley need to be included with the crank to ensure consistency with a balance. However, I can’t get my head around how the flywheel can be shaved later on down the track (lets say in 6 months time) without throwing out the balance.

Also in what stages of modifying an engine dose the factory harmonic balancer need to be ditched for something like a fluid damper? Would you recommend one for a build using Forged pistons, Manley rods, Stock vr4 6bolt crank and a balance shaft eliminator kit?

Your help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards Koray (trq-str)
I would recommend getting either a fluidampr or one of the other options for a balancer or retain stock. Do not go for a crank pulley without some sort of balance in it. I currently have one and it's a pile of ****. Will be replacing it asap.

For the record, my entire engine flywheel to crank pulley was balanced properly and it still creates a shitload of harmonic noise. The balancer does a lot more than you think it does.
The way they balance the rotating assembly is by neutralising them individually. So crank first, balance, flywheel, balance, pressure plate, balance, harmonic balancer, balance. So basically everything is done individually which will allow you to replace later down the track without any issue.

They will mark your flywheel to your pressure plate etc.

If you do go fluidampr, you don't need to balance them because they are liquid based and do not require it.

As for rods, the big ends are measured on a scale, as as are the small ends, as are the pistons.
bazeng said:
The way they balance the rotating assembly is by neutralising them individually. So crank first, balance, flywheel, balance, pressure plate, balance, harmonic balancer, balance. So basically everything is done individually which will allow you to replace later down the track without any issue.

So let me get this straight. The crank, harmonic balancer and clutch/flywheel are all individually balanced. Then all I do is bolt them up and in they go, Correct? If so, his is good news. Previously I was told that system had to be balanced as a whole.

Then let’s say a couple months down the track I need my flywheel machined or replaced, all I need to do is have only the flywheel shaved then balanced with the p-plate and it’s good to go back in. And my balance is as good as day one.

Can someone please confirm if the above is correct?

bazeng said:
If you do go fluidampr, you don't need to balance them because they are liquid based and do not require it.

Does using a fluiddampr mean only the fluiddampr doesn’t need to be balanced?

Should I be using one in by build or are they only needed for something like a stroker engine?
They are balanced as a whole but done individually so you will be ok.

Otherwise it would be pointless to balance unless you plan to run the same clutch / flywheel for the life of the engine which is impossible.

The fluidampr just bolts on after you balance the rest of the bits.

You can use them on any engine. They use a gel instead of rubber to absorb the harmonics. They will never split and are a solid unit externally. The benifits are - will never split or shatter like the stock ones can. If you have the funds, go for it. Its about $300 bux. if not, go for a stocker, they are about $120.00