barney's return!..


Help Support 4GTuner:


has no car :(
Nov 22, 2005
some of you may know i was in an accident a few weeks ago.. couple weeks later shes almost ready! shes driveable just not looking too pretty, but who cares! :p


that was the worst hit part..


after some dodgy home job with help from dad and uncle :p doesn't look too bad i thnik.. guess panel beaters could clean it up a bit..



doors were pushed in too but drivers one was knocked out and i got a 2nd hand cc lancer door.. must admit changing the electrics over was a bitch.. still have to drill a hole for the wires..

thats it!.. waiting for my front bar from philcom to arrive.. probaly mid feb and then going in for a respray! rims on the way soon.. aswell :p[/list]
well i was leaving a mates cousin's garage in cambellfield at about 10pm'ish.. as all the shops close way before then i was going about 70 - 80 on the road.. the road curves and exits onto the main road.. just before i hit the curve saw lights comign so i broke a bit and slowed down to about 60 but the other guy in a vn commodore (hate them with a passion now) was in my lane, no idea why.. i swerved trying avoid him ending up brushing my door against him then goin onto the curb and into a fence..
and thats it.. couldnt get his plates as i was too caught in my car and never seen him since >=/.. been to panel shops around my area askign em if they seen a vn commo with some damage on the front panel but no one called back so yeah..
**** that ****........ :cry:

look at your paint!!!!!

btw, next time, dont try and beat it out yourself! your panel beater will beat you when he sees that :?