Battery Relocation


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Dec 19, 2005
How much is there to relocating the battery to the boot?
I figured i would grab 2/3 metres of 1 gauge cable and run it from boot to bay.
Then is it just a matter of chucking a dry cell battery in the corner and securing it? I figured i would use one of the many bolts in the floor of the boot as my ground?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Don't need a dry cell, just get a good quality battery box.
Run the earth to the body of the car in the boot and make sure it makes good contact eg metal to metal remove paint ect. Connect the postive to either the starter motor or to the old postive terminal. Get one of those big battery switches and put that in line in the boot too.
Better make that 5 metres :wink: Minimum!

We did one on daves magna and we needed at least 5 metres of 4 gauge!
i just ran 3 metres of 8 gauge for the amp well at leats i think it was 3. But i will be using 2 gauge. And replace the 4 gauge with 2 gauge. Thikning about it it must ahve been 5?? My bad.

Where do i get a battery box from?
josh_tsv said:
Get one of those big battery switches and put that in line in the boot too.

Please explain??

Any website/info as i have no idea what you are talking about. Would it go in the battery box?
ok thanks man, is that a requirement?

Seems a little pointless...Ahh well if it is am i cool to mount it in the bbox?
It's not but is a just in case thing, if you get a short you can kill the power and save your car from burning down.
its called a circuit breaker...
instead of a fuse that will pop and cost quite a bit when it does pop (100amps) the circuit breaker will just switch off like a house circuit breaker..

will you be running a ground?
if i were to do mine again, i'd just run a positive and gnd the battery to the chassis and the engine to the chassis also...

saves a bit of weight and money..
probably better also

i've run a - and a + to the engine and also gnded the - to the chassis on both ends..

use the thickest wire possible..
i believe a 2 gauge is minimum...
4 and 8 are too thin..
ahh k, well i am going to use 2, was told 4 is minimum though.


And that circuit breaker sounds like a good idea :D Thought it was a switch not a circuit breaker.