BC 280s and Evo 8 springs


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Mar 23, 2012
The home of unemployed bogans - Hervey bay,
Salutations ;)

Just wondering about using BC 280 cams with Evo 8 beehive springs. BC 280s have 10.7/10.6 lift in/ex and they recommend their own springs not OEM. I can understand not using the oem ones
due to the design and weight, there is about 30+ grams difference between the 3 and the 8 (including retainers) and the beehive design is superior at managing spring bind so would the lift be too much still?
The cams I was told the Evo 3 engine came with were stockies not 264/272s :thumbsdown: hence the snapping up of these ones at a good price

Has anyone used the this cam and later Evo beehives? Are the ones for high lift really necessary on BCs?

Lots of questions, but I'm trying not to climb the walls in this back of butfuk town and I have no concrete floor in my shed!!! :fuuuuu: Engine hoists don't work too well on sand, should have bought the off road engine lift.

I want to get my cylinder head finished at the very least, AEM gears are on the way from the United States of DSM, all other parts are here and all the machine work is done.

Any input would be much appreciated
I think they are ok. I also think you need the matching valve caps for the beehives. You may need the collets too, not sure.
you need to install the cams, with a solid lifter, and measure for coil bind at max lift.
I remember reading 11mm lift max for the oem e8 valvesprings, I was looking at pairing them with kelford 272s and thought theyd be the max id go, being kelfords are an aggresive style of cam bc280s might be ok