big smash today, and i **** bricks!


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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2007
I've got phone pics but no way of getting them on here. Anyone got email or something on their phone? I'll send them over if someone can get them on here.

This morning I'm at work standing out front with my mate having a chat (working hard) when we hear an almighty smash. We both look over and see this car rolling over and smashing on to it's roof. Chrysler PT Cruiser thing it turned out to be. Anyway the thing is sliding on it's roof fast. We both start to bolt into the work shop when the thing hits a big old street light pole and stops dead.

I run over and there's a lady inside stuck in her seat upside-down. I say something to the description of "******* christ are you alright." She calmly just says "yeah, yeah I'm okay. I'm fine."

And elderly man had just pulled out of a side street into her rear quarter panel. And as far as I can figure it's clipped the tram tracks of something and flipped, was really weird. Made a real mess of a parked Honda too. Anyway we did the 000 call, cops took all of two minutes to arrive and beat the firies; which is funny because there's a fire station literally 400m up the road. Anyway we get her out, paramedics check her out and all that and she was fine. She was taking photos of the car with her phone even!

Paramedics did have to take someone to hospital though. This happened right outside the local mini mart, and the owner went into shock. I thought it was ******* hilarious, the lady who is stuck upside-down is fine and this guy who saw it has to get taken away. He's turned out to be fine too.

Was just real weird. The old guy was in a mark 4 Golf, which could have been fixed with a new headlight and bumper. Didn't really look like there was all that much speed.. Makes you really think too about being on the road. You can be going along doing all the right things then just be ****** over so fast. Was really REALLY lucky no one was hurt. If the owner of the Honda was getting in or out of the door they'd surely be dead.
Pics of carnage is always good to see, provided no one was hurt of course.

And sorry if I offend members but some old people shouldnt be on the road and I'm all for yearly tests past 60!!! :x I had an old couple pull out of a side street a few weeks ago and I had my mrs beside me and the 2 kids (6 and 2) in the back seat doing 70kmh. I had to slam on the brakes hard, and the stupid thing was that I watched him pull out of the side street like it was slow motion and he didnt even turn his head to look for oncoming traffic. He literally just turned at the intersection without batting an eyelid and didnt even notice that he was meant to stop and give way :evil: I sounded the horn but the dumb *** was probably deaf because he didnt even acknowledge that either. Its people like that who are responsible for many accidents as their mind wonders too easily. Not all old people are like that but *** me, I bet the majority are moving violations.



GSR94T said:
write off

If it wasn't before it was when the towie got hold of it. First he hooks it up, we hear the firemen yelling then a huge crunch as he rips some **** off -- then once he figures out a good way to roll it he does over on the good side. :lol: :lol:

Thanks tharak
Couldnt get a good look a tthe pic above? link isnt working properly?

That u-tube vid is hilarious :lol: notice how she hops it a few times and stalls and restarts beforehand :lol: