Blowing smoke on boost and random stalling.


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May 4, 2006
Croydon, Victoria
Hey guy's,

Im having some weird things going on with my wagon, I'm running a 4G93t out of a GSR, The engine is totally stock and has around 108,xxxk's on it. I'm not currently running a BOV either.

A few weeks ago I noticed that my car was stalling at random times after being on boost, a few days later it started to blow alot white/blue smoke on boost.

So i organised another turbo, and fitted it over the weekend (this turbo appranyly blew no smoke when it was on the car). now the car blows a small ammout of white/blue smoke on boost, and then a HUGE puff when changing gears, the stalling is heaps worse now, every time the rev's drop below around 1200rpm it will drop and stall. I dont even have to have booosted it for this to happen as it was before.

Any idea's help would be great?

Thanks in advance.

pvc cap, clamp and valve stem :D
slap it onto your intake and start pumping away.. you'll hear the leak, if there is one.

have you put a bov back on? lack of bov causes the air flow meter to give funny readings between gear changes because of the backpressure (hence the puff of smoke). the vacuum action also causes the engine to stall if you don't tap on the throttle when coming down from boost.

courtesy of some random forum:
Well i found a boost leak, i had split one of the cooler pipes about 1/2 way around so im guessing thats what has caused the not idleing and stalling, i'll see if i can connect my Stock BOV back up, seeing as when i got my exhaust done some how they managed to snap the vacume thingie off and i didnt realise till id driven home.