boost and bov questions..


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has no car :(
Nov 22, 2005
when my car is idle and i rev it to say 4000 or 5000 rpm.. i should be able to hear my bov go off correct? if i remember last time i reved it my boost guage would just go to 0 and just stay there even if i revved it to 4000rpm.. i got a hks ssqv bov.. also has anyone got one and know which way to twist the screw so i get maximum loudness? im not sure which way i screw it to get it louder.. anyone know which way to twist it? thanks guys!
you will make more boost on load (when driving)

at idle, you boost will probably only move from vac to atmospheric pressure when revving at idle..

u will also hear less of a psssssssssss when doing it at idle..

u can adjust the hks with a bolt at the back of the bov if i recall correctly!

dont go too loose as it could cause leaks

good luck mate
What baz said!

There is a little screw on the back, but he's right, they dont make much noise on the spot.


hmmm i no what your talkin about, im not exactly sure how it works but i know with my Evo 1 i cant do it with out being under load. i think what it is, is that it the throttle pressure u apply, i can get my Evo to 7000rpm without using boost, yet when im under load i can here the wastegate at about 1800rpm, if u really want to hear it give the throttle a hit all the way to the floor, only a quick hit tho, u should be able to here it.
why do u want to do this anyway?
What turbo have you got? You will find turbos like the TD04L (WRX Turbo) will spool really quick coz they are a smaller turbo. I know a mate who has a TD04L on his magna and you just have to tap the throttle to make it go off its so easy. If its a larger turbo that may be your problem.
i got a td05-16g turbo.. i don't want to do it.. i was just curious as my uncles car was able to do it but i was unable too..
I have a Evo 3 16g and i can boost in nuteral... only coz of the stutter box though :lol: In all seriousness i would assume that that would be your problem... due to it being a significanly larger turbo than your uncles it isnt as responsice to revs like that and wont boost much in nuteral.