Brake fluid in intake manifold


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Dec 17, 2014
Hey guys,

The other day I started up the vr4 (aus spec) and it started to miss and run like crap. I did all the usual checks to sort the problem out and eventually I got it running ok.

Well today I took it around the block as I'm getting it ready for a roadworthy, and noticed the brakes were a bit sloppy so I got it in the garage and noticed there was f all brake fluid in the res. Not even thinking I topped it up and did the block again. Checked it again and it a slightly dropped. I straight away checked for leaks and found where it was. The M/C.

I haven't driven the car at all really so I didn't bother checking all the fluid but obviously the guy I brought it off has just let topping the fluid up and not checked for the leak.

Il pull the booster out and check the manifold where the vacuum hose goes to the booster, my question is, if there is fluid in there should I pull the whole manifold and head off and clean them up? I'm going a 500-600whp build so I don't want this biting me in the arse further on down the track.

Or would it be fine to just keep running it and just rebuild or buy a new booster? Any help would be good

Thanks in advance
Dont bother pulling the head off. Just clean up the manifold next time you have it off. 600whp is towards a new intake manifold anyway.

Your booster is probably ok. Its the rear seal on the master that is stuffed. It normally leaks down the front of the booster. But in saying that, the booster must have a heap of brake fluid insude it. You can pull them apart and clean it. I have never pulled one apart, but they twist apart at the middle. I do know there is a big nasty spring inside that is poised to propel the lid of the booster through your face at its first chance.
afaik the spring is to big to hold by hand. So you need to put it in a press or a holding jig of some sort.

They say a engine burning brake fluid has a very particular smell from the exhaust. Did you notice it?
Cool thanks jack yea I have a jmf one one the way but it just hold hold up with all the driving to get a roadworthy then I can start the mods.

Yea well with the brake fluid dropping that quick I'm picking there could be a bit in there cause the leak behind the master cylinder isn't really that bad. I will pull the booster apart and have a look. I should be able to feel the moisture in that vacuum hose off the booster. Those diaphragms in boosters are temperamental and I don't want it to bigger out on me later down the track lol

Nah I didn't it's running quite rich at the moment so you can only really smell fuel haha but when the spark plugs fouled it went nuts started bucking and then just shut off (as you would when your trying to burn brake fluid) so I pushed it the rest of the way home.
Hahaha yea well it's gonna be hard enough trying to dodge this booster spring let alone an explosion. Just about to pull the m/c off now. I'm gonna make a dipstick to check the booster to see if there's fluid in there. If there is il pull it out too
Well update I got the m/c off and booster I managed to get what little fluid was there out by tipping it on it's side. I split the vacuum hose in half because I had a spare one and it didn't feel like any fluid had been through it but if it was there mustn't of been that much.

So put some of that sea foam stuff through the booster and put it back in. Just gotta wait for the m/c to turn up and it should be ready to go

P.s thanks jack lol