Bride Zeta III


Help Support 4GTuner:

I don't have either of there numbers. but if you call access performance they will be able to give them to you.
9873 0133


lol I just love them........ I understand if others don't though. I'll just keep pushing the matter anyway though. :lol:
I'm up for a group buy. What you guys reckon. I'm also after some light weight seats that are ADR approved to go in my car. Dre, let me know when you're ready to go shopping and we can go together.
Yeah they look tough in black.

I'll have them in one of my cars one day... just need to find he right car :D :lol:
oh yeah baby!!


make sure if u get light weight seats that its not your daily driver...

my old recaro's were waaaaaaaaay more comfy!!

dre, your recaro's are a fav of alot of ppl, but your right, they are heavy!

difference is seat weight excluding rails

5kg vs say 10 -15 kg's
add the rails, add another 10 kg's on top!

my rails weight more than my seat!!..
nothing u can do about it though, unless you go alloy rails (fixed mount)