Lol, virginity. Just come dude, you're a mod and I've never met you. How is that even possible? hahakhubner1 said:i'd love to come but as said i'd like to keep my 4gt meet virginity until i can bring along the car the site has helped so much to build. that and i sound like an absolute tool talking about this fantastical car that only a select few have seen in person
You said what now Jack?jack of all said:F@#$ em k. Everyone will have a old war story to tell anyway. Just go dude. Represent brus.
All the way from Gympie? Nice, I better make this worthwhile then hahaWhite Knight said:Meet the rest of you guys. Would be awesome.
Nevermind, next time you should have a pre-meet with Bryce + WhiteKnight and drive down together. :thumbsup:Dean_Vr4 said:I got back to camp on the 15th FML
Thanks for the text btw Ross. Do you mean the route should go through Mitchelton? I'll check it out on the maps.Ross Cox said:18th fine with me. Test drive within 15k of Mitchelton.