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Mar 23, 2012
The home of unemployed bogans - Hervey bay,
Today I decided to get the clutch pivot ball shimmed, I thought I'd take the drivetrain out the bottom as I really only needed to crack the box, undo the ball, put a washer in and put it all back together.

Sounded simple to me. I've lost count of how many engines I've taken out the top, and I'm adept at spannering and fabricating car stuff, but this was the first time I've taken an engine out this way.

The whole thing fell off the jacks I was using, destroyed my CAS, an engine mount, busted the sump and ruptured a power steering line, snagged a bunch of wires on the way down, not to mention

an engines worth of oil all over the shed floor. A rookie mistake because I thought I'd save a bit of f$%king around doing it that way, I should know better :( Building on a limited budget is a bad idea.

This is the straw that broke the camel's back.

I don't think I'll be doing much, if anything on it for a while, it's cost well over $11k so far and at least another $4k to go for other stuff that needs doing to it before it's built properly, it's just not worth it.

I'm shutting it down for a while to consider my next move.

The whole thing will more than likely be stripped and the chassis taken for scrap, I might get a HSG and transplant all the goodies into it at some stage if one comes up in about 6 months until then I'll

just hang on to everything.
Bryce said:
Thats **** news mate!

I wish i could help with parts but i dont really have any spares =(
Cheers mate ;)

White Knight said:
Wtf!!!!! Sucks massive benny. I'll call you soon, must be someway we can do a Lazarus RVR surely.

Yeah, it was a real slow motion event! Nooooooooooooo!

Lazarus by some sort of black magic perhaps? LOL

I'm working on something ATM, I'll see how it pans out. A registered RVR is better than an in pieces RVR, bit of a compromise, but I've been married for 16 years so I'm used to it :p

Don't tell her though or I'll be stripped for parts :ph34r:
Well benny, we don't want that now. What would you do with all that lube then??? Lol.
We will work something out, I'm sure mate. It'll work out.
No good Benny :(
If you were closer I'd offer to help with the wiring etc.
With 11k down the hole, it doesn't make much sense to scrap it.
Maybe you just need a break from it for a while..?
I know that I get over cars when I'm forever crawling under them and blowing $$, then when uni starts and I'm hard at the books I can't wait to hit the spanners again.
Hopefully it'll work out for you in the end mate.
Ahh man that sucks, I know the feeling. Just have some time off and then get your best buddy and smash it out together, nothing like having your mate there to spur you on!