Calder park - April 7th


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ur a piker bad baz!!! hahahha

you organise the night to show up and u dont even show :p

meh looks like im flying the mitsubishi flag solo.


wait one more week man!
no need to rush it!

unless you want to iron out a few bugs before running tharaka and matty =)

the team4g invasion...
lets make it APRIL 7th!!
bazeng said:

wait one more week man!
no need to rush it!

unless you want to iron out a few bugs before running tharaka and matty =)

the team4g invasion...
lets make it APRIL 7th!!

You wont be there barry even on the 7th.... i know this.. so ill b there on the 31st and the 7th... :lol:

Remind me about this Jon a few days before the 7th and if i have everything sorted with my car ill come down and race to...

Thank you
JSTYLE said:
so everyone is still cool for this? barry hows ur piping and stuff coming along? will u b ready?


I will come along for spectator goodness... unless i'm feeling lucky and want to blow up my gearbox :p
so everyone is still cool for this? barry hows ur piping and stuff coming along? will u b ready?


jonny boy
who knows mate!!

he said 2 weeks, it'll be 2weeks on sunday..
im hoping its ready!!

during the week i bolted up the exhaust and removed the therostat housing to get welded and modified to clear the cooler..

also getting the seat rails sorted..

btw, i sussed out heathcote..
ill make a date for the drag day soon...

but as for calder.. if its ready,ill race..
if not.. ill race with a friends car =)
the 300zx?
bazeng said:
but as for calder.. if its ready,ill race..
if not.. ill race with a friends car =)
the 300zx?

PIKER!!!!!!! i can soo see you piking out again... either way ill b racing the evo.. i cant wait any longer for u guys to get ur ***** into gear!


i have a feeling ill be piking you mate...
just trying to make it less obvious =)

dont race alone.. its boring!!
bazeng said:

i have a feeling ill be piking you mate...
just trying to make it less obvious =)

dont race alone.. its boring!!

ive wasted atleast 3-4 weeks waiting around.... im just gonna go even if its by myself on the 7th... ill give u another 1-2 months before the car is 'fully' sorted out.. then i might go out again.


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