Well-Known Member
um, at xmas time/early jan, after i got a new car battery, one night my car was playing up and idleing very low (like 400/500rpm), and the car was strugling to survive, so i decided to leave it at home and get it fixed the next day, except the next day it was working/idling/running fine.
Now this morning, the same crap happened, but their time its dying, and the engine doesnt sound great. The car starts, rev's, then drops and it dead. It cant be the crank angle sensor because i just got it replaced. Any ideas what it could be?
I think I might get it towed to E.Side Mitsubishi tomorrow... :S
Now this morning, the same crap happened, but their time its dying, and the engine doesnt sound great. The car starts, rev's, then drops and it dead. It cant be the crank angle sensor because i just got it replaced. Any ideas what it could be?
I think I might get it towed to E.Side Mitsubishi tomorrow... :S