Car misses on load with new leads


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Jun 12, 2005
Ive got a wierd problem with my car

Ive had a set of Vr4 leads on my car for around 5 years, the car runs and boosts fine

I recetly bought a set of Magnacor R-100 10mm leads and put them in, the car drive and idles nice, but on high load the car would miss... i thought i may be the leads being too thick, so i decided to buy some Magnacor KV85 leads and just thresw them in and they do the same thing :S

I threw my old VR4 leads back in and the car is fine, no shuttering, NOTHING!!

Its doin my head in

Could it possibly be the coil packs??

Im using brand new NGK BPR7ES-11 plugs, so cant possibly be them
I had a similar issue, would drive fine under light throttle, under full throttle once it hit boost it would shudder and jerk. I just babied the thing until I took it for a tune. Now drives fine. Mine was running rich and tune was way off coz it was standard with lots of mods

Only thing that comes to mind is your spark is altered so maybe not enough spark or too much spark with your bigger leads.
But strange 2 set of new leads do it. Old ones dont

Easy Kanye

Yeh its really wierd, i thought i had another coil pack here but i dont, so i cant test to see if that was the problem
I read recently u gap the plugs for how much boost you run. My tuner did it for me like I said above. And tune fixed the issue
1.1 is too big mikey back them down to .9-.8 mm. if you want to drive up over the weekend you can use my spark plug gapper.
Uve always ran the same type of plugs. Even when the car got tuned.

I got a new set here and gapped to .8 will soo it goes
Those leads you have been running are my Ralliart leads for the VR4. They are good stuff and your EVO engine cant handle the power lol
Na, you're probably blowing spark now under load with the different leads. Reduce the gap in your plugs to 0.7-0.8mm then give it a go at 7,000rpm in 2nd gear.
As above, regap.. Also, when you put the new leads on, ensure you do not have any air pockets in the sealing boots when it goes into the coil pack. You can do this by using a coat hanger as a hook and pushing the boot on with the hook between the coil pack and boot. Then once pushed on fully, removing the hook. Hope that makes sense. .

I have kv85s on my car without any issues.
I can symphasize regarding fitting new leads and introducing a misfire. Theoretically, you shouldnt have to regap the plugs to a smaller gaps with new leads !! Magnecor leads have generally fairly low resistance leads , compared to factory leads ie 0.8 - 2 K ohms per lead ? Where this has happened on my customer cars, I have checked for leakage thru the phenolic tubes. I cant believe the number of aftermarket replacement phenolic lead sets that "leak" spark energy to earth. And this is with all makes, not just Mitsubishi. It drives me crazy !

What you do is slowly lift the lead off the spark plug and increase the air gap ( ie replicate the high engine load ). Electricity ALWAYS finds the easiest path to earth !! you may see small amounts of spark jumping to the cylinder head spark plug hole.. Or see some jump out of the lead where it plugs into the coil pack. Night time/darkness makes it much easier to spot. Or if you have good hearing, you will hear a small crack, crack , crack etc.

^^^ Bazeng , have you still got those ID injectors for sale ?? PM me if you have please.