So I get my new 20G comp wheel express delivered, take the turbo to a mate who machines out the comp housing to suit, then I take the pieces to a turbo place (which shall remain un-named for the moment!) for assembly and balance.
I pick it up two days later during my lunch break, take it home that night and find that they have scored three blades on the compressor wheel.
So I ring them up first thing the next morning, the guy says "It was probably caused by a slip on our balancing unit - but it won't be a problem". FU*KERS!!
So I go down there at lunch, he looks at it and says again "it won't be a problem". I say I'm not happy that I gave them a brand new, undamaged wheel, and it's been returned to me damaged, to the point that I believe it will be unreliable in my car. After being asked "What do you want me to do about it?" and told "I don't stock those wheels, you brought it to me so I can't replace it" with the offer of "filing the scores out and re-balancing the wheel" I leave.
And make a complaint to their head office. To their credit, their Sales General Manager rang me back the next day and took down my story, with the promise of calling me back after speaking to the branch in question. Anyway, I've now been left with a turbo I don't want to use, have re-ordered ANOTHER 20G comp wheel and am anxiously awaiting it to be delivered here so that I can get the unit re-assembled and re-balanced somewhere else, all by Wednesday as it's booked in at TechSport this Thursday for a fuel pump change and dyno. Oh - it's a long weekend in Vic too so I'm twiddling my thumbs over the 4x days which I WAS going to spend putting the turbo on and driving my car, but alas! Now it's all going to be done in one night.