Car pulls to the left when accelerating???


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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2011
West Indies
Guys from your experience what will cause a car to pull to left only when accelerating ?? i have checked and rechecked my alignment and camber like 5 times already and its perfect. Funny thing it only happens when im powering up .

Car: 1995 GSR JDM (E3 conversion engine n gbox only).

Tyres - All 4 /LM903 Dunlop 205-15-60 70% life.

Would a slipping front LSD cause this??
Tried Google?? Heaps of topics to read about on this subject...
my VR4 pulls to the left when it has low trye tread, especially on long sweeping corners
The suspension was checked numerous times .. everthing is normal .. no worn components. This pulling could be caused by a slipiing lsd on the front?
Solved this fakin issue , the rear tyres when i rotated a few weeks ago, they were causing this problem. i just re- rotate them from the front to the back and wala .... so the question is why are those rear tyres even though they are not rotational causing this "pull"...