Car wash meet tonight.


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How dose tomorrow sounds 30/9/11 around about 8-9pm when them Honda boys rock up. What car are you rocking in??
I thought that was the car wash you wanted... There is poor parking there... Is that where the Honda boys meet?
Probably not there mate.
No parking at all.
Simply petrol station and car wash.

Weekend would be a better time. Weather is meant to be crap today.
The problem is with these short notice meets is- -------- nobody turns up.. lol

I think we need to either gather some names and get confirmation or set a later date to give guys more time to meet.

If we do it tonight, I can feel a major let down already.
Plus car wash / rain doesn't help....

Not trying to be negative but I've experienced way to many of these types of meets I'm reluctant to even consider it if it hasn't been organised properly.
Alwell just get some name and set a time and date I'll be there and F maccas tomeny copper in and out can't aforrd us boys getting our cars looked over. Cbf with a defect. My car would get it. it's too loud it's got a bov and pod filter and screen at the front of the car :( Oh and copper can't keep up
I just looked at the weather and Sunday gna be semi sunny 18*. Monday sunny 20*. Tuseday sunny 22*. Then back to **** weather
Weather is looking **** house!

How about come to Calder next Saturday- watch me race/watch me smoke you? :lol:

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