Carrrnn the hawks!!!!


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CLuTZ said:

Ive actually been going for the underdog warriors since the 1st position versus 8th game!

Plus former bulldogs captain steve price is in the team as captain and i want to see him score 300 career games ( a lot of the bulldogs were/are kiwis too) and I better go for the kiwis since my wife is 1/2 kiwi and my kids will be 1/4:p

You like that Dre;)

Nah real reson is Id rather see a team that hasnt won the premiership OTHER than Melbourne before, win!

I hate Melbourne storm, and sorry i dont like Melbourne as a city either.....its personal.....
Bloody Victorians...:p

I don't particularly like either but i'd have to say...go the Hawkers!!
Buddy is a dickhead!
but go the hawkers!
hodgey is an absolute legend.
well done to crawf aswell, totally deserved it.

p.s. go the storm ;)