CC GSR Crankbolt torque


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Underpowered Car
Jun 6, 2006
as above need to know this torque setting as this is beleived to be the cause of my current problem, wasnt done up correctly by some one else..
anyone kno this spec please let me kno.
EDIT: Workshop manual link for the 4G9x series engines is posted further down this page.

The torque spec for the crank bolt across all the 4G9x's is 181Nm . So make sure you have a long breaker bar because you're gonna need it!! If you dont, then dont wear your good underwear just in case!! :lol:
hey guys is this true??? The torque spec for the crank bolt across all the 4G9x's is 181Nm .
seems like a **** load.. can someone double cheak it me cause i cant seem to Download the workshop manaul. need feed back asap.
I would say yes DRKSDE, because it takes a rattle gun to get it off OR wedge a breaker bar in and crank the engine for a sec to loosen it off :twisted: :wink:
just double cheaking.. cause we got to 120nm and snaped a bolt.. im just hoping it was a dudd bolt... does anyone else have that work shop manual link? the above one doesnt work for me?
i looked up our tech books at work and found its only 25Nm(+90 degree turn) not 181nm, i have double checked this..
I'd still go off the Workshop Manual's 181Nm though. 25Nm and 90 degree turn isnt quite giving a definite figure to work to for such an important integral part of the engine :wink:
Good luck then, especially if it works its way loose :roll: You can do it your way if you like if you think the workshop manual is incorrect, but I've rebuilt a few 4G93's and 4G93T's to the workshop manual and have never snapped a crankbolt yet and have always tightened them to spec at 181Nm (give or take a few Nm for error) - maybe you're torque wrench is severely out of calibration or your crankbolt that snapped was fatigued or non genuine?