CC GSR Injectors


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Feb 2, 2017
In my endeavor to return my motor to stock, the next thing on my list to acquire is stock injectors.

I would like to buy brand new, but my google-fu is weak and I can't find any info (aside from them being 390cc) on what brand/type the stock mitsu injectors are. If anyone can tell me where I can get a set of brand new ones from I'd appreciate it.

Otherwise, if you have a set of second hand injectors laying around that you'd be willing to sell let me know.
I'm in need of a single 390cc injector (if anyone has one laying around) as 1 of the 4 I got was beyond repair. Let me know if anyone can help out. Thanks.
Not sure if im meant to Hijack posts like this but im after a set of these aswell.
I only need 2 but i'll buy a set...

I have plenty of 450's and 510's but no 390's.
Says on the side of mine in real fine print. 390’s are white.

All my 450’s are blue aswell yeah, 510’s are yellow.
i think i to have a set (that i was told by the injector cleaner place were dead not sure if they all were if your willing to take a gamble on a set for say a 10er plus post they're yours if i can find them

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