cd5a gsr 4g93t problems


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i just want to dream......tired of nightmares. Oh ...dear did that slip out.

seeing as I am officially what I class as an old cvnt today I have decided I will get a corolla or an ex lancer and do something very silly with it. was chatting with brother yesterday and we decided that sincxe we have **** loads of parts and not much respect for "convention"...or authority we will build a monster just for doing burnouts
Where was I..
BMGTZ said:
I have decided I will get a corolla or an ex lancer and do something very silly with it. was chatting with brother yesterday and we decided that sincxe we have **** loads of parts and not much respect for "convention"...or authority we will build a monster just for doing burnouts
Mother will be most impressed.
Do not practice burnouts with washing on the line. That gets some very stern looks. Apparently it makes washing stink like burnt rubber??
Adrian said:
That would be sik! But wouldn't it be.more desirable to put a ford cossie in it? Probably to expensive though :(
I went there but it was way too expensive. So I put a 2.0lt Duratec out of a 2006 Fucus into a MkI instead, put ITB's on it and an aftermarket ECU, it went good but the ******s at the DOT wouldn't let me register it without spending a gazilloin dollars. So sold it to a guy who tracked it.

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I had an RS cossie in the form of a RS500 replica. Boosted to about 300hp and was great fun, but I really do like the '63's better bang for buck. Pinto's are a bit fickle when you start to ask too much of them.

Engine bay.jpg Front.jpg

The Escort was great fun, but I treated it like **** because I couldn't really afford to race at tracks, so I just took it to the bush. It hated every minute of it. Poor car.
So I finally got round to sorting it out after ignoring that there was a broken gsr sitting at the end of my driveway for a while. The autotensioner was broke. New tensioner, crank pulley and cambelt and she's running mint again. Still got the clutch drag to sort now, what should I take a look at for that?
also further to your original issue i'd keep an eye on that crank pulley and perhaps in 2 months pull it off and inspect it for damage
Just had a through look at the pedal assembly and just noticed that one side of the bracket is broken off from the plate against the firewall, some mad flex when pressing the pedal.
Got a new bracket on the way coz mine is rusted as. A mate is gonna do the plate mod and e-galv it for me. Firewall looks like it is probably cracked below the master cylinder, but of a rusty patch there. What should I do to fix that without setting the car on fire?