Clutch wont disengage


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Oct 14, 2015
New Zealand
Hi I have recently bought a e39a VR4, 2nd & 3rd were rather crunchy though still very driveable up intil I downshifted when coming to a stop, now when I try select a gear it's just grinding. Have tried to start the car in gear with the pedal to the floor though it acts as if the clutch wasn't down at all, just jumps & won't start. I have just replaced the slave cylinder & have good pressure.
Any other ideas before I go ahead with pulling the box out? First mitsi i've owned so bare with me

Cheers !
Yeah, I would say Clutch fork or thrust bearing at a guess..

It is going to look like box out time ...
Did it all start ******* out after an aggressive miss-shift? If so then probably clutch fork is bent and gearbox out. If not, definitely check the hydraulics between the clutch master and slave. Any fluid leaking in the cabin around the pedal? Is the rod on the slave cylinder (bottom of gearbox) loose if you try and pull it back? Fingers crossed its something minor