Coolent overflow issues *HELP NEEDED*


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Lee said:
They done a "Combustion leak test" and say's something about colour change, showing a POSITIVE result for Exhaust gas is present.
Humm looks like it's new head gasket for me next week.
Still dont get it if my compression is 190 even......
Whats a good strong head gasket?
Dude that sux.
Im at a loos to understand how it blew.

Be absoluuuuutely sure before u do it...

Does your idle hunt around and not know where to go to when u put the clutch in when your rolling?
Is the car hard to start in the mornings(Due to water leakback into the cylinders)?

When mine blew compression to coolant(on my GSR) these were the first 2 things i noticed.
JAP63 said:
Lee said:
They done a "Combustion leak test" and say's something about colour change, showing a POSITIVE result for Exhaust gas is present.
Humm looks like it's new head gasket for me next week.
Still dont get it if my compression is 190 even......
Whats a good strong head gasket?
Dude that sux.
Im at a loos to understand how it blew.

Be absoluuuuutely sure before u do it...

Does your idle hunt around and not know where to go to when u put the clutch in when your rolling?
Is the car hard to start in the mornings(Due to water leakback into the cylinders)?

When mine blew compression to coolant(on my GSR) these were the first 2 things i noticed.

Yeah It's got me stumpt as well.
They said that it could be "Weeping" only just a little, But enought to pressurise the cooling system over the day of driving.
Even more so if i hit boost alot, But i can just cruise around not driving under boost all day with it not getting warm.
I did notice that the exhaust does have a funny off smell as well and the car has started to idol funny with a miss, But sometimes it's comes good.
When the car is starting to get warm (Not overheat but starting to climb) it does the idol miss thing again.
That car starts fine every morning 1st go.

Josh: I'll let you know if i need a hand, looking to change it next weekend.
looks like I'll be getting a HKS 3 layier metal head gasket.
Are the EVO III's gaskets 1mm due to running 9.0:1CR? I've noticed that the EVO I-III come in 3 thickness's (1.0mm/1.2mm/1.5mm)
Just a quick question.....

Doesn't the EVO 3 have a metal type head gasket as a OEM part?
If so how do they blow out? Mine hasn't blown out as such, looks to be weeping.
Also the car wont run over 5psi boost (From 15psi) just breaks down & miss-fires.
Parking the car up for the weekend now & lifting the head Saturday.

Also being my luck how do you know if you have a cracked head?
I've been told that the evo's DONT normaly have head cracking issues.

How is is possable to get exhaust gas (Read: heaps shown up in the test) in the coolent (100% comfermed) but to have NO coolent/water in the oil?
If you are leaking coolant into the combustion chamber, it won't show up in the oil until the leak is bad enough that the coolant leaks into an oil passage or vice versa.

When you have the head off, make sure you check the head and the block for flatness, no point putting a new head gasket if the head is warped.

Please take a photo for us when you have the head off to see if the water has cleaned up any of the pistons and valves (I love how shiny they get :twisted: ).
rob323 said:
If you are leaking coolant into the combustion chamber, it won't show up in the oil until the leak is bad enough that the coolant leaks into an oil passage or vice versa.

When you have the head off, make sure you check the head and the block for flatness, no point putting a new head gasket if the head is warped.

Please take a photo for us when you have the head off to see if the water has cleaned up any of the pistons and valves (I love how shiny they get :twisted: ).

Ok I'll take a heap of pic's for you guys, I was speaking to a mechinac & he said that "In the old dayz" they used to rev the engine 1/2 way & spray a fine mist of water into the engine to clean Carbon Clean.
He said that the steam works VERY well & cleans years of carbon build up off the engine. :wink:
Lee said:
rob323 said:
If you are leaking coolant into the combustion chamber, it won't show up in the oil until the leak is bad enough that the coolant leaks into an oil passage or vice versa.

When you have the head off, make sure you check the head and the block for flatness, no point putting a new head gasket if the head is warped.

Please take a photo for us when you have the head off to see if the water has cleaned up any of the pistons and valves (I love how shiny they get :twisted: ).

Ok I'll take a heap of pic's for you guys, I was speaking to a mechinac & he said that "In the old dayz" they used to rev the engine 1/2 way & spray a fine mist of water into the engine to clean Carbon Clean.
He said that the steam works VERY well & cleans years of carbon build up off the engine. :wink:

This is what i did when i bought my car.It cleaned the carbon and **** right out of the head,valves etc.

As for your query,a Headgasket usually blows 2 ways
1.Comp to coolant.
2.Oil to coolant.

Comp to coolant will give u a preesurised cooling system with sometimes hard to start in the morning due to water leaking back into the cylinder,u'll also see your water getting low.

Oil to coolant.Milky in appearance.both the oil and the water.
well I changed the head gasket, & it's all good.
But the timming is out just 1 tooth very retarded.
But it's not over heating !!!

Here are some pic's
It wasn't REALY hard to change the head gasket, just took me a bit of time to do. I spent about 8 hr a day Sat/Sun