Cops in Camry's


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I asked some cops about the wheelie bins but they said it's only a rumour, I still wouldn't trust them though. Also whats with plain clothed cops dressing so bad, they stick out a mile away.
Ski season

Have seen last year ski season a maroon Subaru forester catching people on the Hume.

That was a shock lights hidden in the front grill.

Oh forgot to mention a Hummer in Vic as well!
jase said:
Yeah I'm talking about in SA though..

No cop in a Patrol is going to pull you over in SA.. unless you are doing something flat out retarded. This just looked like traffic cops rolling in a Camry.

got done by cops in a land cruiser a year ago after i over took them on the highway - they booked me for going 10km's over the speed limit.....:thumbsdown: howz that for flat out retarded?- have seen other people getting pulled over by 4WD's too. Saw a full traffic cop dressed 380 the other day on southern freeway
Come on Dan....Aurions are real cars too. You guys get hung out to dry in SA. Everyone else is in Rex's, Evo's, SS', XR6T' guys get bloody Omega VE's. With Holdens right here you think they could atleast chuck your tight ass devision some SS' to roll in.

Everytime I see a cop around my area, I check to see if it is you. Then they see me staring in the car and I look hell suss. I just wait for the U-Bolt and lights.
I've seen a couple of marked lancers on the gold coast, also seen an under cover golf GTI and apparently there is a black 300c around here somewhere too.
The camry's are actually on trial here in Adelaide............they use a new computer system that "scans" ALL cars in it's radar area (380) for speed, rego, stolen, defected and your personal details...........look out for them, most are white with the "rotating balls" on both the driver and passenger side of the roof.

They are not a pursuit car.
The camarys are usually driven by high up officers, and can be taken him ect. They are also traffic patrol as are the outlander fwd's I have also seen cops in Holden cruises but as far as I can tell they don't have lights or the capabilities to pull you over. Cops in the land cruisers will defiantly pull you over, there the star force cars and from my experience not good to deal with