Could crushed Woodruff Key in crank cause timing issues


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self employed bum
Sep 18, 2009
Okay , tried searching but could only find woodruff key noises not issues. Im wondering as the car before I stripped it down 6 weeks ago to start building again While putting the endcase back together I noticed the woodruff key had a fair bit of movement. Upon inspection its been crushed sideways if that makes any sense. Now my question is cause this cause a delay with when I plant my foot down and the response due to the slack in the crack end? let me know what you think
No but it could prevent you setting the timing correctly and that could cause the issue. Key a new key way I bought me ones for 50c from my local nut and bolt shop proveded the groves in the crank an balancer are ok that will fix the issue
I've had this problem on a SOHC 63 before........the timing gear smashes the key and wears the inside of the keyway allowing the crank to move 5-10 degrees before the camshaft........was fixed with a replacement pulley, new key and a brass sleeve.

I have some pics somewhere.
bitza imagin that on the harmonic balancer 3/4 the way around the whole thing and you have what happened to mine
I had this happen to me in my 93t, made it extremely hard to get the timing right, according to a timing light the car was 30* retarded at one stage..
yeah ive been able to source a new OEM one from 3zercrowd. Once I get a chance this weekend im going to confirm that I don't have more the nominal wear to they keyway entrance. If so I guess im replaced that gear also lol
Give the balancer and the crank a good look over, my balancer got the same treatment in the key way and the key way on the crank started to wobble around and "reshape" the key on the crank
ive repaired many crank keys on swift gti's they wear into the side of the crank, harmonic balance, crank gear, and the key its self.. ive had them from 2 deg to 40 deg out.. and they can move even though the crank bolt is tight. you need to make sure all the parts involved are tight, or you will have to repair the items.