Crazy Japs and their slogans


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Diamonds are forever....
Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
I dont know if you guys know this or not, but did you know that RVR stands for 'Resort Vehicle Runner'??

FTO stands for 'Fresh Touring Origination'

Legnum is short for 'Leg Number One'

Anyone know of any other wacky names??
The first two make sense sort of, but wtf at the Legnum?

I overheard some kid telling his mate that FTO stands for "full throttle only" because "that's how you have to drive them" - he was completely serious too :lol:
steve said:
The first two make sense sort of, but wtf at the Legnum?

I overheard some kid telling his mate that FTO stands for "full throttle only" because "that's how you have to drive them" - he was completely serious too :lol:

hahaha :lol:
Fully sick!
Galant, French: Chivalrous, Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.
iluszn said:
Gallant..... but close..

The name was derived from the French word Galant, Meaning Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.

close, but no cigar ;)
galant Adjective (a) gallant, gentlemanly; amorous, romantic
English spelling is Gallant. as above :)
we can share the cigar.. bit funny seeing a japenese guy run out.. and speak french. in rush hour 3.
since when was a Galant an english car though? ;)

kinda like the Pajero, doesnt that mean like wanker in some other language?
interesting, nice find, i had a discussion with my mrs last night and she thinks that the japanese are unable to say the letter 'L' and i said of course they can, think of skyline and silvia, they don't say skyrine or sirvia do they?
Japanese doesn't have an "L" sound in it, and when most humans reach a certain age, they find it very difficult to recognise/hear new sounds. It's not that they can't pronounce it, they just can't hear it properly.