Curious... Hsgr man v auto ECU.


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White Knight

Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
I understand that the 2 cars, manual vs auto, are different, with injectors and turbo being a couple.
If an auto hsgr had a 16g fitted with 510cc injectors, how difficult (or even possible) is it to use the hsgr manual ECU? Same MAF at least?

I used manual ecu in my auto before I did eprom and only thing changed was injectors being 560cc late evos with safc tune. Car did 165kw on dyno run.
Back then I use to setup safc to run of map sensor signal rather than tps. Advantage was being more linear with load. Very nice tune you can do for low to high load.
Comparing two timing maps, auto is more retarded at low loads and more advanced going up in high load. Makes sense due to small turbo spooling faster and at high load less cfm of air flow.
Lol, should have known you had Mio...
Is it a direct plug and play? I would have thought that they had different MAFs even??
BTW, that's a bloody good dyno run for what it was mate.
White Knight said:
Lol, should have known you had Mio...
Is it a direct plug and play? I would have thought that they had different MAFs even??
BTW, that's a bloody good dyno run for what it was mate.
Same everything except for turbo and injectors. Also, auto box is not dependent on ecu so no issues there too.
I still have manual board siting on my shelf.
My bad, it was 155kw. Sorry.

White Knight said:
Jesus Mio, you are wealth if information. Cheers matey.
2TB of external storage for everything..................
trying to become Mioogle.............................:D:D:D