Cyclone intake mani reco


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Blurring the line between 1st to 3rd Gen engines..
Jun 14, 2006
hey guys, just wondering of any one knows how to get this plug off, on the cyclone intake? it seems that theres a connector behind it that links the butterflies together and its loose like a mofo.... so anyone have an easy way of takin this off? or at least an idea on how too?
i would normaly but, i hit the damn thing with a ball end hammer and it didn't even budge nor dint............
Maybe a centrepunch near the edge and a heavy hammer? Never took one out :roll:

What I wanna know is where do you get replacement gaskets for the intake manifold to suit the 8 runner design (in between the 3 parts of the manifold?) like in your pic?
EVO-00X said:
What I wanna know is where do you get replacement gaskets for the intake manifold to suit the 8 runner design (in between the 3 parts of the manifold?) like in your pic?

what he said ^^^
um..... bursons wouldnt just sell me the intake mani gaskets had to be in a kit for a jspec 4g63 for a full engine gasket kit witch was like $170-....... soo i just bought the gasket paper and makin it my self, cheaper but takes a lil longer, i can make a template if you guys wana make your own later........ most important thing atm is the butterflies i need them working properly for the experiment i'm planning for my engine....... any other ideas??
ya there the guys, there good for every other part but a few engine things, and its cools that there parts warehouse is nere my house soo i order on the fone and in 30min i can pick it up........ they have the kit on hand depending were you are but they can always order it in from the head warehouse which is nere me....... but i wouldnt use the head gasket on that kit i believe its only a single layer same as the n/a ones wont hack much boost........ remember to ask for the import 4g63 with cyclone intake or they will order the normal gasket kit.....
guys about 2 years ago i was searching for someone who made the gasket for those cyclone intakes.. i came up dry.. NO ONE makes JDM cyclone intake gaskets.. (for the inside runners).. burson dont do it.. cos they buy from permaseal who only do aspec cars..

i think if your really serious about it.. u can buy them from Mitsubishi Japan but then again who has a part number for one? IT would be hard to explain to a nimwhit mitsubishi spare parts person (no offence to them but i havent had a good one yet).. so yer you would need a number.. which might beable to source from CAPS..

But as Jerome has done.. just cut it out of gasket paper.. should be alright :)

heheh tru to most but apparently they can order the kit for the Cyclone intake but comes an entire kit dunno if tru or not but when we called there warehouse they knew what they were talkin bout, but yet again way too expensive..... also Permaseal and Goss are what bursons handle with gaskets........ although if you really need one guys try :

AA Gaskets 1800 620 895 or 03 9355 4444 in Campbellfeild (out let of permaseal and other gaskets) they might be able to make some up or refer you to somwere......

but other than that use your gasket on the car now take it off with a knife and trace it, its only $17 for a huge roll of Goss Gasket paper, you could make every single gasket on the car with that roll..... or feel free to try and find one i stoped after bursons, there the biggest new parts holder in aust, if they have it all good, but if not good luck finding one.......
ok back to topic, any one know bout these bloody plug on the Cyclones?????? sooo tempted to belt the sheit out of it and see if it comes off...........
Have you given it a swing with a centre punch and hammer?
PS: I've got Bursons chasing up an enquiry now and if they can locate a jap-spec cyclone gasket kit I'll let everyone know the part number/s.
yer tried a ball point hammer at half force and didnt do much, planning to tap it then long screw and pulling it off , i tell you guys how it go soon just in case you guys need to adjust your ones......