DEFECTED NSW - what do I do?


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Sep 8, 2007
my 91 aspec galant VR4 was defected by highway patrol
not sure what to do here so asking for some advice.

basically the cop wasn't entirely clear on what he was defecting me on (possibly because he had no idea)
in the engine bay he pointed to the intercooler pipe behind the radiator and he didn't like my aftermarket heat shield (at least i have a heat shield)

when i told him the car is 23 years old they dont make a heat shield or intercooler piping for this car anymore so i had to replace broken parts with new aftermarket parts he just looked puzzled and kept saying anything i change in the engine bay needs an engineering certificate.

so i said what about the radiator hoses, thermostat, spark plugs, spark plug leads they are all new do i need a certificate for that?

he just kept saying "anything you do to the engine needs an engineering certificate"

he also didn't like my monte carlo bonnet or jspec factory intercooler i told him they were both factory parts that come with these cars
seemed to be a little satisfied with that.

defects listed on the defect notice :

after market pod filter fitted - fully exposed (this apparently has a $169 fine which i received extra to the defect notice)

with after market exhaust

after market work done in the engine bay. (that's all it says doesn't list intercooler, heat shield or anything else specifically)

the defect is listed as - minor
type of label issued - none
i can only drive the car for 5 days
must be cleared by - full inspection
at a - AUVIS

visible mods in the engine bay:
cusco brace
battery relocated up higher in bay - it is mounted firmly and braced and strapped down.
after market manifold heat shield - shiny but its very clean no sharp edges etc
meek piping kit
jspec vr4 intercooler
evo 8 mr bov
new slim radiator fan
clear cam cover
pod filet to 055 factory MAF on straight intake to turbo

exhaust 3" cat back, custom dump pipe, xforce canon. stock cat.

so what do i need to do here?

is a AUVIS a blue slip?
can i get it from any mechanic who does blue slips? or do i have to take it to the RTA for inspection?
do i need an emissions test? if so will it just be for noise or do i have to pass for chemical output etc?

if i get a box made to house the pod filter will it pass a blue slip?
or i was thinking i could swap back in the stock air box and filter
but what else do you guys think i need to change to pass a blue slip? does the piping have to go?
looking ahead what happens if i get pulled over again do i have to go through this entire process again?
That is ********. I'm not sure about the AUVIS. But last time I got pinned prior to my epa run in, was for an exposed air filter and mick was able to clear it for me. I've also had a defect for too low, this was also cleared by another local mechanic. If it's epa you'll receive different paperwork. I think mechanics can be like police, different times and scenarios will yield different results.

It could be worse, my car was off the road for 2 years. It passed a blue slip, regoed and 6 hours later got hammered with an epa inspection notice. That was 3 years ago now. I'm nearly finished it but it hasn't taken 3 years to clear I have just had other things and projects consuming my time and money, so it's just been a plug along with the car.
I suppose you could voluntarily go for epa compliance check. The guy down can be a cock but like I said the last time all I got picked for was pcv. I had to change from open catch can to a recirc into my intake and fit a one way valve. The other was too loud, to which he said we can flange and fit a rear muffler that will pass a noise test and I'll have that muffler if I ever need to pass again.
1. Plain as day defect having an exposed pod filter. Put the stock setup back on it. The pod filters make sweet f'all difference to small turbo setups anyway.

2. Aftermarket work can be anything. From your mods list I wouldnt bee too worried about it.

* Cusco brace = Allowable as owner certified modification
* Battery relocation = OK as long as it is securely strapped by a means that wont allow movement.
* Heat shield = Owner certified. Has nothing to do with emissions or safety.
* Meek piping kit = modification to intake system. I KNOW, YOU KNOW, MECHANICS KNOW, that its just a conduit to join the turbo to intercooler to the throttle body in order to replace the decayed rubber factory items, but in the eyes of the Police and EPA its an intake modification. One of the most stupidest rules ever. I can see why guys just use black piping as it looks factory. Therefore technically you have to prove it still meets emissions requirements. I wouldnt worry about it. The AUVIS inspectors know that rubber decays and parts for a 23 year old car is near impossible to find new.
* Japspec VR4 intercooler. An OEM cooler. You are OK to keep it. Paint it black to avoid future hassle.
* Evo 8 MR BOV. It came with a BOV from factory so replacing it with a revised newer OEM BOV from Mitsubishi is perfectly OK as its treated as a manufacturer substitution as long as its still plumbed up the same way. Its black and plastic yes?
* Slim radiator fan = nothing. Its a moot item.
* Clear cam gear cover = nothing. Its a moot item.

Your car is pretty tame on mods. The pod filter is the first thing cops notice and thats it... defect. Piss it off. Put as many black items as possible under the bonnet and you wont be hassled in future.
AUVIS is just an authorised inspection station that does blue slips. They wont pass the pod filter, but I reckon theyll be cool with everything else.
BOV is a BOV, as long as it plumbs back into the system and not to the atmosphere it shouldn't be a problem.
ok doesnt sound too bad just a bit of a dent in the wallet that i didnt need right now.

thanks for all the help.

ill let u guys know how i go.

sucks all the ******** they put you through
they just want you to buy a new car fuel the economy and conform

just remember life without passion is not worth living!!
Cranked have you had any issues with running no AFM? I'm not running a PVC valve either but my catch can vents into the sealed airbox that my pod is in, but I also have no AFM. Also not running an EGR, but it's all been welded up nice and neat so it doesn't look like anything is missing.
Goodluck clearing the defect nate, a bit to do but I reckon you should be able to clear it pretty easily.
It hasn't been back on the road yet, but it has had a compliance check in the past 12 months and all i got was too loud, pcv to recirculate into intake after filter. So that's been rectified and other work has slowed the process of finishing it up. Soon though.

It's a rather long story, but i'll try for the short version. Initially when i was sent for epa check, the bloke basically laughed at me when i turned up, he wanted everything engineered, tube mani, inlet mani, haltec, etc.
So after much discussion the IM240 route was discussed and the fun began. Everything stayed the same, changed to a new enclosed air box, charcoal cannister fitted, new exhaust and cat, w/b o2 sensor. Then had the car tuned on e85 specifically to get thru an IM240, but had to have this guy sign the car off that it had had an inspection and was required to have a test completed. So i went to see the guy and asked for him to sign off without me having to tow the car there, to which he explained that a lot had changed in the loast couple of years and that i should bring the car in for a second look. The results and i have the ispection paperwork for it was that everything was fine except for pcv and being too loud, he then offered for $120 that they would flange and fit another rear muffler to pass the noise test and all i had to fix was the pcv into catch can and then into the intake. Fast forward to now, I've rectified the above, bar his muffler as that's his little perk i guess. I was actually ready for the car to go again, but 1.5 weeks ago i pulled the box out and am waiting on box to be finished and change the rest of the driveline out, then we wil see.
Since when do you get a fine for a defect here in NSW??

I understand with bald tires and safety gear but never with an engine mod
Cranked said:
If not I'll bite the bullet IM240 it and engineer the modifications. Which I was already prepared to do.
I hate that 'it will pass but needs this done. I can do it now and charge you $$$' ********.

Stuff muffler with steel wool and dont thrash it on the way to inspection. Lol

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