DIE STI boot install uncovered!


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Diamonds are forever....
Apr 1, 2005
Melbourne VIC
Hey guys, i'd like to take this opportunity to thank Arthur a.k.a VR4PWR for his time and expertise that went into the boot install in DIE STI. It took 2 weekends to transform my ugly looking boot into this:




He also made some custom door pod thingees to house 5" components in the front



The system consists of 1 JL audio 12W6V2 sub (damn loud) in a custom box, with the 2 Rockford Fosgate amps- P8004 and P6001 bolted to the back of the box. Infinity Kappa Perfect 6" components in the rear pacel shelf (pics to come) and Infinty Kappa Perfect 5" components in the front. A Phoenix Gold line driver keeps the sound quality up, theres about 7 sets of Stinger RCA's used, Stinger fuses, 0 gauge power cable and lots of other cables etc being used. A Pioneer DEH-P8650MP head deck runs the show.

All in all im stoked with the quality of the sound being produced, even though when its turned up REAL loud, the boot lid and parcel shelf rattles hard, like an RS GSR.

I totally reccomend VR4PWR's quality workmanship, and no nonsence, straight up, advice and punctuality.

More pics will be up soon, as soon as the sun comes out.


p.s baz, he's waiting for your call! :lol:
what did i say dre?!?!?

looks sweet mate!!!
where the cap in the system?
if u dont have one.. i advise that u just add one in..

but nice install!!
im glad u didn't go crazy and add toys and shiet into the boot also =)

i've dropped by his place a few times, he's never home!!

next mod - dvd player hey dre!?!?
bazeng said:
what did i say dre?!?!?

looks sweet mate!!!
where the cap in the system?
if u dont have one.. i advise that u just add one in..

but nice install!!
im glad u didn't go crazy and add toys and shiet into the boot also =)

i've dropped by his place a few times, he's never home!!

next mod - dvd player hey dre!?!?

No cap, hopefully wont need one!

Toys? those are in my top drawer next to my bed lol j/k :D

I have enough things to look at inside the cabin already, Im not really into ricey DVD screens etc, ill leave that up to you bro!
Dude!!!!!!!! You need a Cap!
*hint hint* My Stinger 1 Farad Cap is still for sale at a crazy $100 :D
Let me know if u want it. I can bring to the next cruise.

Oh yeah........my Dvd audio system is not ricey! Hmmokay?

Nice choice on the Infinity Kappa series. I had those in my 306 and it sounded efing unreal!!!!!!