does this look alright?? turbo blew...need new one


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3zercrowd has some

thats bad luck mate, PM 3zercrowd, i think he has a couple of 16g's lying around the garage that im sure his wife will be more than happy to sell you.. manifolds included..
kayarubin said:
hey guys!

i blew my turbo pretty bad tonight at the drags and im just wondering wether this one looks good or just a cheap fake copy???

cheers guys!

Id be wary of anything that has ssautochrome on it as them manifolds have a bad rep for cracking.

Secondly that turbo looks like a chinese knock off.

v8h8a said:
thats bad luck mate, PM 3zercrowd, i think he has a couple of 16g's lying around the garage that im sure his wife will be more than happy to sell you.. manifolds included..

Sorry i dont have any 16g's in my garage, just 2 tdo4's which one is good off mine and the other dave blew.

I will have a TD05-14b soon as shannon sends it up from Adelaide (060 housing for spooling better)

If i were you Kaya id be looking into WHY your turbo blew so you dont have it happen again later on?

Low oil pressure, lack of cooling,foreign objects? Look at matress' turbo.

How bad did you blow it? chewed wheel? maybe buy matts old one and get some new wheels and a rebuild kit of GTpumps? Or have yours checked out?

We need pics :!:

OH yeah TD05 16g's (big or small) are hard to come by on the forums too :( Sorry
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that sucks mate!

that GT copy turbo is expensive! especially for a copy!

Check these out:
Big 16G (Forced Performance)
18G (Forced Performance)
Evo III 16G (Forced Performance)
Evo III 16G (Extreme PSI)

I recently bought my turbo through Extreme PSI. Their shipping quote was also US$90 cheaper than Forced Performance.
I received the turbo within a week and was able to track its whereabouts.
If it were me....i wouldnt buy an SS AUTOCHROME manifold let alone a turbo....
The nimbus would fly with a Genuine Big 16g....or even better a GT30 :twisted:

did u atleast get one run in? what time'd ya pull?
sorry, I didn't realise that was a whole turbo kit.

one of the guys on was running one of those turbos and seemed to think it did the job. I still wouldn't trust it though. They're obviously hundreds of dollars cheaper for a reason!

also, we've all heard the rumours about the SS autochrome manifolds...

the dump pipes aren't a problem, except faults have been seen such has incorrect location of bolt holes, flanges that aren't flat, etc.

spend a few more pennies and you won't have to worry about it ******* up again later!
there's also these:

same thing as is sold on

SBR quote HEAPS for shipping though, i was quoted US$280 for a turbo.

just beware, that if you buy a turbo like this (bolt-on T04 type) you will need new oil lines and possibly water lines. your stock intake pipe and fan won't fit either.

this post is also very useful: and is full of heaps of good information. do a search! :)
cheers for the advice!

i ran a 14.5 quarter with a whole lot of wheelspin and a very slow gear wasnt going full bore! (first run ever)

second run my cooler pipe blew off....coz i think i really really over boosted the turbo...the reason it blew i think!

third run i was nearly cleaned up by a HQ drag car....but i had the best start outta the night!...pitty it didnt count coz the car came into my lane after snapping his wheel off!

4th run the turbo decided to go bang......might have broken fins and other ****......but yeah it was 120000 kays old.....and i think it might have been old brittle age that caused the failure...and the fact that it went a little past 20 psi (mis set boost control!)

but yeah thanks for the references all!


oh and my old turbo was a big 16 g
The only thing I bought from XSPower was the 46mm external wastegate and I'm half expecting it to let me down. Reason?? because I havent found anyone who has said that there is anything wrong with them... yet. As far as the manifolds and their turbos go, wouldnt touch 'em because there has been plenty of dirt on them all over the world - just look at overseas forums as well. I'm really now trying to boycott anything automotive made in China if I can help it especially after finding out they have also been making fake Walbro fuel pumps with 'MADE IN THE USA' engraved on them :roll: The quality control of some of the products coming out of the country sucks IMO :evil:
just found out that the nut came off the compressor wheel!!

and in turn chewed up the wheel!...and also pushed the exhaust wheel out(i think) of its housing a bit! :shock:

i might be able to save the turbo with new bearings and wheels....but we will see!

hey mattress,
how much did extremepsi charge for shipping? i emailed forceperformance and there shipping fee was :shock: :shock: ..

sorry for goin off topic :D
i think it will bolt up to your manifold and dump, but probably nothing else :p

olly, i paid US$160 for the turbo from Extreme PSI and it arrived within a week.
what do you guys recon the better turbo is? between the forced performance and the extreme psi??

the exhaust housing on the extreme psi one looks like the cheap copy ones on ebay... where as the forced performance one looks like a genuine mitsubishi one!

i dont know what to get coz theres only like 10 bucks difference between the two!

is there any mechanical differences you guys know of??

cheers! :D
they're both genuine...

i'd go with extreme psi, their shipping is a bucketload cheaper than FP.

the FP 18g is good value, but it isn't water cooled.