Drags 23rd March (19th Jan, Wed 12th Jan!, Wed 29th Dec) - who's keen


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1st run.. 12.50 2.1 60ft mph not printed on timeslip ;(
2nd run.. 12.03 1.9 60ft 117mph
3rd run.. no run.. ran out of fuel, Doh!, sure is thirsty now.. no chance to push it when there's no fuel left..

used 5ltr of pump fuel in jerry to get home

Oh, I did see one guy from this forum, said he's New, didnt catch his user name... he just bought a gsr :)
Whats the track like these last few times you been, its normally real sticky, but i went 2 weeks after it opened this season and it had less traction than the street, i just kept wheel spinning! Normally it hooks up nice.
I need to fit a few things and head down before the season finishes.
The track is great and has been everytime I have been since Dec, no unwanted wheel spin on my part, sure if I over rev on launch it bags them up but only for a little bit.. (thanks lsd's).

I'm a frequent flyer at the Motorplex lol, let me know when your going.

NOTICE: !!Drag Season Closes for winter in a few Months!!
What, are you guys expecting snow this winter?
Winter is the best time to race!!!

Yup, my thoughts exactly... Its just another cool thing to get used to after moving from Brissy, Motorplex closes for winter!! :( :(

Perth gets too much rain in winter so they dont bother trying to run events.. Closes for 3 months. :blink: