Drags - why am i slow :( [log included]


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Entaran said:
I put forward the theory that this is the first RECORDED and publically available case of an MRT chip being useless.

Keydiver chips (www.dsmchips.com) are spectacular (plug straight in like mrt chips) or so the guys on galantvr4.org say.

Also, jon is working on doing something to this extent but i've not heard more on it since it was in planning stages. Perhaps he'll update you.

*back to website work*

im pretty sure troys car wasnt runnin any faster before he had the chip put in. Plus keydivers chips wont work for him (or me) as we have the e952 chip in out jspec boards. Hence why mrt and myself have been doin work specific to these boards.

Bumpy's problem could be alot of things, and i would very suprised if it was the ecu.

could just be a tired motor, who knows.......
just thinking a little outside the square here...

...clutch condition?
...tyre condtiton?
...tyre pressures?
...load in the car?
bazeng said:
not bad at all..

do the intake test yet mate?
Ant i thought the motor was starting to tire LOL
Leak test will be when its light again ;)

Rusty said:
...clutch condition? doesnt slip (extreme puck)
...tyre condtiton? 215/45/17 (very minor slip of clutch dump)
...tyre pressures? (32psi)
...load in the car? (Std JSpec + cage - around 1400kg i think)

I believe its to do with the knock/timing issue (once thats gone - then can start on other issues for more speed, EVO3 zorst mani / Dump (dont think the b16g has the correct dump :( ) Only money spent on current issue atm
Hmm well using a cheap cigi air comp i carnt get any pressure in the intake system (removing pipe off turbo outlet ang pumping from there)
Need to find a big quiet air comp now :(
Goto a big workshop like a panelbeater. They usually have compressors that turn on intermittently but otherwise put out 250+ psi easy. So you can just listen for the psssht :D
you shouldn't need a big compressor..

we managed to do it with a bike pump..

once the pressure is forced in, it holds for quite some time!!

unless you have a boost leak

try it again, listen around.. use some soapy water
but u should be able to hear it

but basically, u are saying regardless of HOW LONG U PUMP THE AIR u are not building and pressure on the gauge??!?

this is with the t/b completely closed..
even screw in your BISS screw.. that could help i guess..

to find the leak, use a hose, put it up to your ear and move the end of the hose around until u hear the hiss.. or if it is obviously enough , u should be able to hear it..

soapy water can also help..