So I was working underneath the car today and noticed that the driveshaft isn't straight. I am wondering if this is standard or if I didn't put the driveshaft in properly.
As you can see by my impressive photoshop skills (lol), there is quite a bend at the centre bearing.
Mine's the same too. The design might be related to how torque affects the driveline, the same concept of N/S engines being slightly angled in their engine bays,
or possibly the designers might have been on the saké that day, who knows :huh:
The diff is in the middle of the car (well 20mm offset), the transfer case is offset further, thats just how they joined them up. If you tried to make the shaft straight, it would hit the tunnel.
awesome... I just thought it would make more sense for the driveshaft to be straight... but the bend makes perfect sense now LOL
I spent ages trying to work out how to bolt the centre bearing in with the driveshaft straight lol.