driveshafts etc


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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2005
Melbourne VIC
hey all just got a quick question because of a prob im having...

my mate and i put in a new clutch about 4 months ago and the clutch has been fine... but ever since the new clutch went in there seems to be a rattle/rumble comming from the back center of the car.... and it gets worse it shutters and i get another rumble and rattle at the front....

all this happens only when i let my foot off throttle..... as in driving at 80 in 5th ( doesnt matter does it in all gears) let my foot off without braking and it does that ****... put my foot back on and it stops

its getting worse and worse and i need to do something about it...

any1 with ideas = good =P

Check your rear wheels are on tight :roll: when my mechanic did my clutch he must have removed my rear wheels coz on the way home i had the same problem you describe and it was coz he didn't do the rear wheels studs up properly.

check the oil level in the right angle drive - that can make some funky noises when low on oil - if the guy had filled it too fast it can get an air lock in it - then after a bit of driving - the oil settles and the unit gets noisey

it only takes 5 mins to check all the levels - also make sure its new oil and the right grade of oil has been used

MADVR4 said:
hey all just got a quick question because of a prob im having...

my mate and i put in a new clutch about 4 months ago and the clutch has been fine... but ever since the new clutch went in there seems to be a rattle/rumble comming from the back center of the car.... and it gets worse it shutters and i get another rumble and rattle at the front....

all this happens only when i let my foot off throttle..... as in driving at 80 in 5th ( doesnt matter does it in all gears) let my foot off without braking and it does that ****... put my foot back on and it stops

its getting worse and worse and i need to do something about it...

any1 with ideas = good =P


I have the EXACT same issue, have had it ever since my 3puk clutch went in......

I was told its my counterweights from my tailshaft rubbing on my exhaust, it was pulled out while i got the work done....

just dont know how a clutch can cause this though!

have posted on NZMMC, eagerly waiting for an answer!
big ups to Agent Orange- I guess we have nothing to worry about?

agent orange said:
Unless your problem is a bent or unbalanced prob shaft, it could be harmonic driveline vibrations.
This is a very common thing that all Evo 1,2,3, vr4's, and gsr's do to a varying extent.
I believe you guys in the UK call it "overrun clatter".
It is caused by the various drivetrain gears and splines vibrating at certain resonant frequencies i.e. speeds/gears

Even though the noise/vibration seems to come from the rear, the clutch type is actually the cause.
The factory clutch centre with 2 springs and 4 rubber dampers absorbs a fair bit of the vibration and eliminates the noise.
Going to an Exedy or ACT disk with 4 springs and no dampers will result in more vibration being felt and the sound you are hearing on overrun.
A solid centre disk is even worse again.

The good news is that although you are hearing/feeling more vibration, no more are actually being generated.
me 2

i got the same on my EVO 1, exact of what u described. i been under there swinging off things to fing it. cant tho. my mate thinks its the exhaust heat shields, betweeen the body and the exhaust, i cant find it any where.. Im starting to think it the Pressure plate or somethin, cause its thge same noise and when, u know when its hard to get into Reverse and then it just goes in once u let the clutch out abit, thats what it sounds like.. im open for ne ideas... if ne finds out what it is, post it...
Re: me 2

v8h8a said:
u know when its hard to get into Reverse and then it just goes in once u let the clutch out abit, thats what it sounds like.. im open for ne ideas... if ne finds out what it is, post it...

yep, i get that too if I dont let the clutch out fast enough. I think thats clutch chatter.
hmmm took drive shaft out today... seems like alot of play in the carrier bearing boot... the rubber things.... also seems like my uni joints are a bit nackered!!!!!! so if any1 knows a driveshaft place in dandenong area that are cheap and good... gimmie a call 0421337713

once i get this fixed ill tell u if the prob is fixed

i get that reverse thing aswell.... goes in... but not all the way let clutch out a little and it pops in... but i dont think that has anything to do with the noises i get...

MADVR4 said:
i get that reverse thing aswell.... goes in... but not all the way let clutch out a little and it pops in...

You have to read what v8h8a said again! We're not talking about it being hard getting it in reverse!

Keep us posted with your driveshaft results
if u want to do your carrier bearings, its around 250 a pop from mitsu.

install would probably be around 100 dollars

u can do a quick fix or should i say a cheap fix method by filling them with polyurathane...

check out and look under drivetrain
drive shafts

I filled my rubber surrounds around the carrier bearings with sealant, all it did was put a **** load of vibration thru the car at about 80 km/hr so i'm going to send my driveshaft away to get rebuilt and rebalanced at the same time.
ok got my tailshaft back.... uni joints rebuilt... carrier bearings regreased as they were dry as... basically full rebuild... $250

and u guessed it noises are still there....

so my next guess would be diff.... gonna change diff oil and grease the rear axles see if that does anything

:evil: stupid noises... ohh well least i got the tailshaft done b4 it snaped or something....

the guy who did mine is in pakenham... i would recomend him he did great work even when it was so close to chrissy....

so any1 who wants his details pm me....

could be a rear diff problem, there could be some play inside, usually fixed by adding shims to keep it tight i believe

if i find any more info on the us site, ill post it up for you
took my car out for test drive with Daz at afas. EIII powered 94 gsr. Its just had the exedy 3 puk sprung centre button clutch put in and making the same noise. Its the right angle drive as I have had this problem before when I first purchased the car. Daz just oiled it up and all was fixed. Need to get it reoiled again I guess... as this apparantly is quite common in mitsus. I like the description of the sound when you dont have it in reverse gear properly... thats exactly the sound it makes :)