drug legalisation - opinions


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i have been over seas to halland where most of my family is from any who you can buy pills and dope over the counter for cheap you can not buy in bulk and also as stated above it makes the quilty alot better then what you would get here in oz and there cheap a normal pill cost around 2 dolla each
i have been over seas to halland where most of my family is from any who you can buy pills and dope over the counter for cheap you can not buy in bulk and also as stated above it makes the quilty alot better then what you would get here in oz and there cheap a normal pill cost around 2 dolla each
i have been over seas to halland where most of my family is from any who you can buy pills and dope over the counter for cheap you can not buy in bulk and also as stated above it makes the quilty alot better then what you would get here in oz and there cheap a normal pill cost around 2 dolla each
End of they day, MD and Pot usage is going to soar... the almost unspoken condoning of their use isn't stopping their popularity in anyway, neither is society's apathetic approach to drugs... why not legalise it and create a superior, safer product? Kids are still going to drop, legal or not!
End of they day, MD and Pot usage is going to soar... the almost unspoken condoning of their use isn't stopping their popularity in anyway, neither is society's apathetic approach to drugs... why not legalise it and create a superior, safer product? Kids are still going to drop, legal or not!
End of they day, MD and Pot usage is going to soar... the almost unspoken condoning of their use isn't stopping their popularity in anyway, neither is society's apathetic approach to drugs... why not legalise it and create a superior, safer product? Kids are still going to drop, legal or not!
If your life is so pointless that you need to chemically enhance it, thats your choice. It doesn't need to be promoted and glorified or even legalised. Making it legalised will of course bring down prices but will also inherit more usage and more deaths! And if it were to become legal, i'm sure what went on sale would be a dulled down version of what is available now, so people will once again go looking for that new high....once again backyard...once again more deaths! It is illegal for a reason, if you choose to take drugs then you must also realise that with choice comes consequence. And then when someone does die from an OD or a "bad batch" don't come crying about why it is so wrong....understand that they knew the risks, and still went ahead with it. Seems kinda stoopid to me! I don't care that anyone takes them, thats their choice, I also don't care when they die either, just don't push it on to others.
If your life is so pointless that you need to chemically enhance it, thats your choice. It doesn't need to be promoted and glorified or even legalised. Making it legalised will of course bring down prices but will also inherit more usage and more deaths! And if it were to become legal, i'm sure what went on sale would be a dulled down version of what is available now, so people will once again go looking for that new high....once again backyard...once again more deaths! It is illegal for a reason, if you choose to take drugs then you must also realise that with choice comes consequence. And then when someone does die from an OD or a "bad batch" don't come crying about why it is so wrong....understand that they knew the risks, and still went ahead with it. Seems kinda stoopid to me! I don't care that anyone takes them, thats their choice, I also don't care when they die either, just don't push it on to others.
If your life is so pointless that you need to chemically enhance it, thats your choice. It doesn't need to be promoted and glorified or even legalised. Making it legalised will of course bring down prices but will also inherit more usage and more deaths! And if it were to become legal, i'm sure what went on sale would be a dulled down version of what is available now, so people will once again go looking for that new high....once again backyard...once again more deaths! It is illegal for a reason, if you choose to take drugs then you must also realise that with choice comes consequence. And then when someone does die from an OD or a "bad batch" don't come crying about why it is so wrong....understand that they knew the risks, and still went ahead with it. Seems kinda stoopid to me! I don't care that anyone takes them, thats their choice, I also don't care when they die either, just don't push it on to others.
didn't see this until now - it's not THAT old tho.... :p

alcohol/tobacco (and other things) have as many negative side effects as many illegal drugs, so the "it's illegal cos it's bad for you" argument doesn't hold much weight imo - once upon a time Heroin was sold as cough medicine.

I think, if you NEED drugs, any kind (yes caffeine/ciggarettes/asprin too) - every day, just to function normally, that's kinda sad (I used to smoke, and still do drink far to much coffee).

However, in moderation, some things, i believe, are alright.
An occasional joint is probably no more halmful than a few beers.

Part of the problem is the lack of quality control, get some particularly strong Cannabis and it's not too much of a problem (you can normally tell by the look/smell anyway).
Where pills are concerned tho, it's alot different.
Similarly with mushrooms - first time we had about 110 between 4 of us, and that was good - 2nd time we had only 23 between 5 of us, and it was way WAAY too much - i'd never touch them ever again.
*** NO!!!! It suggests that it's OK to take drugs and we dont want that message out at all!!! Drugs are bad...mmmmkay... I've tried just like everyone else and it never stuck and my life experience has made a dramatic difference to my whole perception on drugs. I've seen my eldest brother and one of my sisters on drugs for too long to now warn people off them forever as you start small and end up fukd up beyond all recognition. Drugs sent my eldest brother to make rash decisons and runaway to another state and I havent spoken to him for 6 fukn years until the other day when he called out of the blue, coherent for the first time in years... he says he has come clean and making a life for himself now and wants to visit. He hasnt even seen my 2 kids, one is 6 and the other 14 months. He hasnt met my sisters 2 kids, he hasnt even spoken to my parents for 6 years... it really fukd him up bad and ruined his marriage and relationship with his own 3 children as they couldnt take his **** anymore and left him. Man, I didnt know if he was dead or alive over that time period... didnt know where he lived... long term marijuana use affected his mental capacity to think clearly, he was an emotional roller coaster... plus the speed he took and alcohol he drank was a dangerous cocktail that made his mrs and kids leave him. My sister on the other hand had a car accident where she was trapped in a car that had rolled over onto its roof. She had spinal damage and the pain was unbearable for her that she became addicted to valium, then speed, then *** knows what else but one thing led to another and she ended up skimping topless in Kalgoorlie and fukd up on drugs. We didnt hear form her in a while until we found out she was admitted into a mental institution in Perth. A few years have gone by now and shes going good... she's got 2 kids, a husband and she's hiding the fact that she is still taking fukn drugs the bitch. I dont know what other **** she's on now but I know it aint cheap and Im gonna take a stand as a brother to get her off it. Once you've seen how drugs can destroy families and lives, not only immediate families but the next generation of kids who miss out on uncles, aunty's, grandparents, etc... you would nip drug abuse from the start before it turns into a long and painful downfall for the people you care most about. My mate from school saw his beautiful sister get into drugs when she was modelling. She moved to Sydney to model and got into heroine and *** knows what else. I never seen her again until a few years later on the prostitute strip in town with big fukn lesions all over her skin and face ho'in her pussy for a buck to support her drug habit. That my friends, was a waste of someone who had everything at her feet, then lost it all to FUKN DRUGS!!! :evil: So the moral of this story is "Dont start small.... dont even start at all!!!!" :evil:
I drink lots. It's fun. :lol: I used to smoke weed lots when I was a kid.. Had fun then but I'm over it now. I see no need for other stuff personally.. never tried anything else (intentionally.. think I've had my drink spiked twice).

Problem is, how do you try and curb drug taking by making it legal? Just makes it seem more acceptable.

There is a problem at the moment though - heaps of my mates get on the pills come the weekend. They aren't phased about the risks. Any I reckon my friends are pretty sensible too! So yeah something's gotta be done. As usual Australia will just introduce penalties.. Thats the only way we can ever solve a problem..