Dual Channel Ignition modules


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Rob, looks like you have plenty of room between the FPR and where the washer bottle would go (I assume the coupe has it in the same place as the sedan anyway). I'll run a tape measure over the bracket I have for them later tonight so you can work out if you have the room. You could also mount them on the runners on your inlet manifold (this is where I'm going to be moving mine to once I put one on), and I also found enough room in front of the passenger side strut tower to fit mine - though it looks like your aircon kills that idea.

Lead length won't be an issue mate. I ran mine with J-spec VR4 leads for ages (and they're crazy long - long enough to go from the firewall to the plugs anyway) without any problems.

Mine are currently cable tied to my strut brace, so I won't take a photo of them for you :lol:
DOUGMO said:
have you thought about running the coils inmside the car on the fire wall and just having the leads running to the coils rob?
Whadya talking about Willis? :lol: Inside the car? :?:

Steve, cables ties are the best thing since sliced bread :D Take a photo but PM me then so nobody else sees it :lol:

Yeah there may be enough room to put 4 of the suckers there on a bracket. Cost wise, 4 x LS1's with built in ignitors is a pretty cost effective solution - It will be cheaper, provide 4 individual coils to each cylinder, each coil will have its own individual ignitor, and if I can mount them on the firewall I will be able to close my bonnet :lol:
It's okay, I'll let everyone see my shame :lol:

This is what they look like chained together. The coils have two holes in the bracket/heatsink that you can slide a rod through in order to keep them spaced apart (note the lovely colour of my leads - good for 10kw atw):


This is the bracket I bent up to mount them on the firewall, and just haven't gotten around to doing it yet. It's bang on 200mm across:


The ability to close your bonnet is pretty handy in my experience :lol:
Thanks for that Steve. Whats all that red stuff on your black ignition leads mate? roflmao :lol: I just measured my firewall section and 200mm will be a nice fit there. I'll do some more reading up on them and see what my options are. The LS1's are definitely a worthy consideration :)

Looks like MSD do an LS1 kit too with multiple spark discharge but $$$$...

In my defense, I borrowed those leads off a mate last week when I was chasing down a problem .. they looked like that when I got them, honest :lol:

Back on topic, I'd rather remotely mounted coils anyway - it makes changing and checking your plugs (something I do pretty regularly) that much easier. No problems with heat ruining the coils like they do pretty regularly in SRs and RB26s (I'm not sure this is a problem with aftermarket coils though).
"EVO-00X" said:
DOUGMO said:
have you thought about running the coils inmside the car on the fire wall and just having the leads running to the coils rob?
Whadya talking about Willis? :lol: Inside the car? :?:

yep,why not rob, your car is so clean i reckon it
would be trick to see the 4 leads neatly coming through the firewall,
or somewhere else.

i know its probably not ideal for replacement but its something different

willis :wink:
I would agree with steve! remote and on the firewall, LS1 coils seem to be the flavor, that in built ignitor is a huge bonus and as steve said plenty of spark.

I have 4 bosch ciols @ $46 each and 2 haltech duel channel ignitors. (was advised haltechs are very good for heat and spark) @ $150 each

you know you can use 2 x J22 factory ignitors don't you CVAP sell them - with plug for around 50 bucks, so very cheap to replace if you have any problems.

The best thing about running normal HI spark leads is .. if one fails you can get any old HI lead to fix the problem!
Also you can see if the bastard is arcing out! and they are what 3 bucks each? and they make them in any length. (off the rack) :p
hey dougmo, in race application, I'm with you there!

you would just need to have them away from your ecu and grounded very well.

I think I've lined up a set of LS1's with built in ignitors for half price. If it comes through I'll mount them on the firewall 8)

Not that I'm gonna do it, but where would someone mount coils inside the car? I would have thought the further away or the longer the spark plug lead from the plugs the weaker the current because of the longer distance it has to travel?
In a race app, you would run a spiral wound low restance lead so running it another 12 inches would mean nothing!

ace app you don't need A/C so normally up behind the glove box on the inside of the firewall. And normally below that would be your ECU, Ignitors, relays, fuses, terra trac, and fire extinguisher.
yep, i will have a bit of stuff hidden behind where the glovebox used to be.

mounted off the dash cross bar
A guy came over on the weekend and wouldnt you know it, he has a set of LS1 coils with built in ignitors in his GSR so I took a pic :) I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go this way now as I can pick up a set of these off one of my brother's mates (who is a Holden & LS1 engine specialist) for cheap!! :wink:

just an update: I ended up getting the LS1 coils last weekend and made this bracket up tonight and mounted them. Cross another thing off the list to do *******! :lol:

I used 50mm wide x 3mm thick alloy flat bar and 5mm alloy tubing, plus a stainless threaded M5 rod and nyloc nuts. It's going to be mounted on the firewall under the compliance plate out of the way so I had to move my FPR and fuel filter :eek:

I was looking for a place to mount my 3 bar map sensor and was stoked to discover that the distance between the holes in the map sensor and the holes in the bracket are the same!! So I cut the threaded rods long enough to also go through the Map sensor! too easy and looks nice, neat and compact. Time to polish the bitch now :wink:
