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It does say that! But why would you convert the aerial, rear wiper, 180kph speedo (numbers line up mint?) and spray it a CE9A only colour if it was converted? To my trained (but sometimes bung) eye, this screams CE9A (probably a race/rally import) with local/FWD VIN/plate. Bargain territory if you know how to talk the talk :thumbsup:
jack of all said:
I think brian is talking about one of the neighbours garden gnomes, probably the fat male gnome.
Youd be better sticking with the neighbour you already have jamo....
jack,are you having that dream about gnomes again?
Could also be a jap spec GSR converted over.

Either way if it's not yellow plated it isn't legit...

Looks the goods but.

P.S. Or it could just be a aus spec GSR that's had a lot of time and money spent on its..
So are you saying that if a genuine EVO is rebirthed with GSR numbers, it's cool but if it's rebirthed with numbers from a fwd lancer then it's a pos ?? LOL..

Imo, the vin of a genuine EVO is what makes it a genuine EVO. And if the vin has been changed at all then it's not really a genuine EVO any more. And certainly no better then an EVO that has been 100% (including all bracing) reshelled into a GSR shell..

Me personally I'd go for a 100% reshelled one over a rebirthed "genuine" one any day cause the "genuine" one is no longer genuine and at least the reshelled one isn't illegal/dodgy.
Id want the genuine bit they chopped out of the firewall as well.
And this only applies to imports, I dont think id want a rebirthed genuine sth african phase3. Yea, I would.
Truly, wouldnt upset me. Who cares. The real thing is better than a faker, everyday.

Its the rulemakers that suck.
94 GSR said:
So are you saying that if a genuine EVO is rebirthed with GSR numbers, it's cool but if it's rebirthed with numbers from a fwd lancer then it's a pos ?? LOL..

Imo, the vin of a genuine EVO is what makes it a genuine EVO. And if the vin has been changed at all then it's not really a genuine EVO any more. And certainly no better then an EVO that has been 100% (including all bracing) reshelled into a GSR shell..

Me personally I'd go for a 100% reshelled one over a rebirthed "genuine" one any day cause the "genuine" one is no longer genuine and at least the reshelled one isn't illegal/dodgy.

Wow we have talked about this so many times.... there were non yellow plate EVO's registered under a loophole in S.A and VIC that was closed about 10 years ago. They were registered as REP (Repairable Write Off) and REB (Rebuild) VIN numbers. Cars with these VIN's CANNOT be registered in NSW. About 3-4 years after the loophole closed, the cars (located in VIC) that were registered this way were ordered to be inspected by VicRoads then given the all clear to remain on the road, registered.

I personally owned a facelift J-Spec VR4 and an EVO 1 GSR which both had REP VIN's. The way they imported non Race/Rally only cars in without getting them crushed is by sending the shell over in one container, and the drivetrain in another.

A complete re-shell has soooo much more work involved plus a paint job (if it's not white) to get it to look like an EVO, and at the end of the day, you've done all this work and it's still technically a CC GSR.

Be aware that the odd EVO/Jap Spec GSR pops up every now and then with 'Australian Manufactured' tags that will say it's a CC. These are the ones you have to look out for. If it has the CD5/CE9 vin AND the 'Aus Manufactured' plate then this is DODGY. This is what I think that car I posted above is.
