was thinking the same thing looks more like td06?VIN18M said:Turbo is listed as a TD05 20g? Looks a lot bigger than that?
Is it still Mitsu flanged on the exhaust side then? What was the response like compared to when it was 20g spec?ENGINR said:Unless it's been stuffed with (it doesn't look like it has!) it's got a Steve Murch MSE custom TD06 comp cover on it with an upgraded thrust bearing and back cut turbine wheel.
It was an awesome turbo.
Started life as an EVO3 Big16G that got rebuilt to a 20G with the standard comp housing being machined out, then when it lunched a rubber o-ring seal from the air-intake pipe it was rebuilt again with the MSE setup.
i don't see you getting those for less than 1400 as that his buy now and for most people that's about their reserveBYBY5L said:Ebay item #282114534510- brembos
At auction so could go a lot higher but cheap at the moment