A friend of mine bought the short shifter from SKRacing (eBay seller that you should stay away) for his white CC coupe. 27 days after payment was paid, he then recieve the item. The item is advertised "NEW QUICK SHORT SHIFTER LANCER MIRAGE CE CC MISTY's CAR". Anyhow, it appears to work fine on his car. I drove the car before and the shifting is slightly shorter (not by much but noticable) and easy to shift. Quality wise on the item I would say it is OK for its price.
Another thing about this seller is he is one wierd guy. In Feb 08 I bought a set of H4 globe for my van on eBay from this seller as well. The payment was made to him the next day after I recieve the invoice. 3 weeks later I still have not recieve the item, he open dispute on me saying that I did not want the item and asking me to pay for eBay listing. I then notify eBay that I have paid and not recieve the item and the seller is saying I no longer wants the item and asking me to pay for the listing. The seller contacted me saying that he have posted long time ago. Anyhow, I told him to post again and he did.3 weeks later I recieve the item. The third week of March I got my item and it was paid on the 9 Feb 08.
One more thing, I hate this seller's system generate emails. It pick up key words like "payment" "sent" etc. and automatic reply emails with "you will see item soon. ta" ... Once I tried email him with "payment sent A$$HOLE where is mt sh!t" ... and he replied "you will see item soon. ta" ............
thats all i can say ..lol