ECU options?


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evo-gsr said:
Dont start confusing people again.....Eflex is a fuel....and its fine on an e5 or e6 ecu..I know because I use this in mine...
Now if you want a "flex fuel" setup which means you can run any mixture of fuel then you will need 7 8 9 ecu as well as a flex sensor. They are two completely different setups.
If your going to stick with 98ron then any of the 5-9 ecus will be fine as mentioned.
Hope that clarifys it for the OP.
Yeah, but no one listens to you, haha, just kidding man, tbh, I didnt even see ya post but yeah that clarifys it.
Who tuned yours?
eJackulator said:
Though the 9 has that, im not sure if the output (pwm) is compatible with the g93 mivec solonoid
correct went for mivec because it seemed like the easiest way to go for mivec fuel flex and larger injectors for custom tune.
evo-gsr said:
Seems like a lot of mucking around for the 150? odd kilowatts you got out of it.
got 171 awkw
went for that because it was actually the easy option. i'm not engine limited i'm actually short in the turbo dept. still havn't actually installed and tuned for e85/flex so the 171 is just on pump 98 i will probably get around 200 from e85 with the extra timing. but i'm happy with what i've got it's a greet daily drive package as it sits.

nah jack only one cam sensor the mivec solenoid trigers both cams into the second profile it's not like the variable timing like on the evo 9
stock is 141 at the engine not at the wheels factor in drive losses and at the fly I'm around 200+kw in engine and ecu package is about 6k. it's built for alot more where I'm limited now is the bolt ons what i need is a better more efficient turbo and perhaps a custom grind on the high lift cam for best results. as it sits it's a great street package plenty to have fun with. my goal is an 11 second pass i think the package as it sits untouched has a mid 12 in it.
this has more power ATW than a factory 4g63 does

also to note the package i've put together is one i've wanted since i bought the car something no one else has or is likly to do it's mine and i like it. and since it's only me whose face it has to put a smile on it acheives it's goal

could i have sunk the same amount into a 4g63 and got more power probably but i'd just be trodding the same path as those before me and with the big 250 300+ build you all used to seeing i'd still be getting the same meh it's not that much comments