electrical door problem and cluster light problem


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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
so its been happening for a month now and ive spent most of today trying to sort it out.

the drivers door, when i open it, should have the interior light turn on and the door symbol on the cluster also should come on. it doesnt anymore. the rest of the doors all work fine except the drivers door. ive traced the wires and changed over the door pin but it still doesnt work. it used to though when i first got it.

now also around the same time, the cluster lights used to work but now they are dead aswell as the heater park lights. i checked the fuse box and the fuse is fine. is there anything else i need to look at?
what i did notice was the clocks illumination still dims down when i turn on the headlights. anyone have similar problems or any suggestions?
thanks in advance
so the door light:
you have answered a couple of questions by describing your problems and symptoms.
1. your dome light works
2. your door light in the cluster works
3. your other doors work the dome and cluster light.

so you are on the right track by looking at your drivers door switch. lets look again at it.
my manual says there is 2 wires on the door switch, 1 is g-r (green with red stripe?) this wire should have power on it normally and releasing the doorpin will earth the switch. so, check you have power on the wire and if so, then earth the wire and see if dome lights up. if so, then you need to clean the contacts in the switch. i squirt a bit of crc into it and rotate pin to clean the contacts.

if you dont have power at the g/r wire, you have a issue with the wire itself. it runs from pin10 on connecter b64. this is at the junction box near the fusebox. it branches into seperate wires to each door. you will need to measure the continuity of the wire at various points in order to find the broken point.

95% of the time its the switch
evo-gsr, its a Aspec CC GSR

Jack of all, i did notice the two wires and also noticed the car alarm that was installed with the car is wired to it aswell. I thought it would play a part in why it doesnt work but the car alarm came with the car and that was all fine before the problem arose. I will get a new switch from the wreckers and also check the wiring tomorrow to see if it has power.

So what would be the problem with the cluster dial illumination and heater switch illumination not working? Ive never seen it happen before in the CC range.
cluster lights next..

is your dash dimmer turned up?
you can check its operation by checking for power on the B-L (black yellow stripe) on the back of the dimmer, and if it has power, bridge it to earth to fully illuminate the dash lights.

i have never needed to but a new switch, at worst i have had to pull it apart and emery tape the contacts. just earth the wire first to see if its the switch or not. i personally hate just throwing parts at a car to see if i can fix it. i prefer to use logic and faultfinding skills in order to diagnose the problem and replace only the 1 part it requires.

i dunno if you have a multimeter or not but they are essential to fault finding. they can be bought from ebay for a small price, if you look after them they last. my favorite one, i got second hand 17 years ago and it still good. i now have another one with more functions and now a oscilliscope as well.
good luck