EOI: GVR4 Rain Guards


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Ill grab a set.

Rain guards are the bomb! i have an original set until one of the front ones exploded on the freeway, i think a bird hit it.

Hi guys,

He has actually brought the shipping cost down quite a bit.
The single price for a set of these would be $85AUD, and then around another (I don't know - $10-15??) to ship them to you. So my original estimate was quite accurate! :p
The difference is, they would normally cost $130AUD.
Jerome let us know how you go, perhaps you could get them even cheaper?
Cheers. :)

P.S - if anyone else wants any please let me know asap.
Hi guys,

He has actually brought the shipping cost down quite a bit.
The single price for a set of these would be $85AUD, and then around another (I don't know - $10-15??) to ship them to you. So my original estimate was quite accurate! :p
The difference is, they would normally cost $130AUD.
Jerome let us know how you go, perhaps you could get them even cheaper?
Cheers. :)

P.S - if anyone else wants any please let me know asap.

Where/HOw did you work out hed brought the shipping cost down MO
last time i looked it was $65 us for shipping and $25 FOR EACH EXTRA ITEM to Aus
now hes got $65 and $55 for each extra item ??? Maybe im not reading it right

Have had a couple of people looking since last week to no avail
just as hard to find there are they are here by the looks....haha
thought they might have been able to find where he was getting them from

even had one join the vr4thailand website and ask there, no luck

looks like ill have to get them in touch with him and try get a discount
on buying multipe items and then pick up from ... they weigh f all
so shipping wouldnt be that much, especially if we go ECONOMY
will try get them in contact with him today and keep everyone posted
id be keen on a set...

I'm buying three sets

put me down for 2 sets if thats still good

Fark yeah for $100 delivered I'll have a set

Ill grab a set.

Rain guards are the bomb! i have an original set until one of the front ones exploded on the freeway, i think a bird hit it.

So thats 9 sets of rainguards with me included....any other takers
anyone want any of his other items ???

I might go for the sharkfins see how they look when they come
Yeah aussievr4 was in our intial count.

Ok so could you guys please flag up if you are not on the list or no longer want to be on the list?

Currently I have got -

Jayrome (x1)
trist (x2)
jerome266 (x1)
aussievr4 (x1)
brettu26 (x1)
milkandoj (x1)
MDK87 (x3)
VR4CE (x??) -> Please let me know as soon as you can buddy.

Total = 10 sets

Jerome I got your text today and I tried to call back but no luck.
I am also after (x2) sets of door plate covers and (x1) carbon fibre shark fin.


P.S - I'm quite happy with the current pricing if your contacts are having trouble mate, I just don't want him to think I'm messing him about lol.
P.S - I'm quite happy with the current pricing if your contacts are having trouble mate, I just don't want him to think I'm messing him about lol.

Emailed him today in thai...asking if can pick up
will wait for response.

If your already contacted him might as well just go that way
Theres no way id pay that much for postage
Would be nice but im not that deperate for rainguards
at his current shipping rate wed be paying $780 us for postage
thats just fn ridiculous
That ***** really is one of my pet hates
Bare in mind its only going to cost him around the shipping rate for one item $65
to ship all the bits everyone wants...so hes making $700us just on shipping
thats akin to me asking 40 buks to post a letter to Brisbane or
someone selling a set of Tarmacs for 3k when you no they got them for 600
Id never bag someone for wanting to make a profit but you have to draw the line somewhere
...but hey thats just me
I guess its up to the individual
That ***** really is one of my pet hates
Bare in mind its only going to cost him around the shipping rate for one item $65
to ship all the bits everyone wants...so hes making $700us just on shipping
thats akin to me asking 40 buks to post a letter to Brisbane or
someone selling a set of Tarmacs for 3k when you no they got them for 600
Id never bag someone for wanting to make a profit but you have to draw the line somewhere
...but hey thats just me
I guess its up to the individual

agreed :thumbsup:
good call on ALL counts lol
With the extra shipping that's probably a figure for it you buy one or two. If you say to the seller look we want 10 sets and we will only get them if the shipping is reasonable, it should come down if you stress its only worth it for us is shipping comes down a lot. For 700 you could ship a motor or something!

Thanks for the running around fellas!

Ill just keep an eye on this. I'm keen as.
Update .

So after yesterday mornings rant :unsure: i got a reply from thailand
as we all no he makes most...if not all his profit on postage to overseas buyers
he wasnt too willing to sell without making the profit he would normally get with postage
but after a bit of negotiation he will allow pickup BUT wants to charge a lil extra than the listed ebay price
in order to make a reasonable return i guess. Am trying to get this down a little.

here is the copy of his latest email...dont ask me whatsa up with all the question marks ??????????????????????? LOL
must be a thai thing

RAINGUARDS?????1,650??? RALLIART DOOR?????1,550??? SHARKFIN????? 1,400??? ???????????????? ??????????????2
??????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????

- anyarut555

prices are in thai baht obviously...usually around 27-28 baht to 1 aus dollar

with that as a guide hes asking
$59 for rainguards
$55 for sill panels
$50 for sharkfins

let me no what everyone thinks
Atleast we wont have to pay the astronomical shipping rates
trying to get some sort of estimate on postage
if someone with a set of rainguards could measure up and possibly weigh
i will be able to get a more accurate estimate, at this stage itd be just a guesstimate
now the other think to take into account is sending the money to thailand
and would also like to give my hookup something for their troubles

now this is just a rough equation
im thinking even if for some reason postage was $200
spilt between 15 items thats around 13 buks per item
so guys like me and mo will pay a little extra for multiple items
i think thats probably the fairest way to do it ????

then once they get here ill have to ship them on to you guys
so let me no what you think of all this
if everyone is down well get the ball rolling
that sound fine to me

have heard back from most people
looking at paying this week if everyones on board
cant get a gaurateed figure on postage untill have them all packaged and in hand
SO im working on the guesstimate above

Rainguards will be 80 aus

this price includes 5 dollar charge per item for pick up and packaging ( 2.50 each way )
that ensures everything is packed well and a little something for my contacts time and money to pickup
if there is any variation in price i will refund the difference back to you

pm me to confirm and/or of any concerns
hi guys,,,

i'm interested in one of those....

but i found this on ebay germany.... seems like its cheeper....

i sent them an email asking for postage to aus...

check it out and see...

hi guys,,,

i'm interested in one of those....

but i found this on ebay germany.... seems like its cheeper....

i sent them an email asking for postage to aus...

check it out and see...


Nice Find !!!
Let us no what they say about postage
looks like it would be cheaper ... after all that LOL
are the germans ones a full set - both drivers and passengers side?
they drive on the other side of the road in germany
so their drivers side guard will only fit on a jspec or aspec passengers side.

if its a full set im in