Epic parts trip


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Mar 23, 2012
The home of unemployed bogans - Hervey bay,
Hi all, I went for a parts trip on the weekend. Freight costs were simply ridiculous so the only choice was to load up the car and drive them down.

I did a pick up in Toowoomba, then headed for Newcastle to meet up with Connor. An hour of car park got me to Aldo's for the drop off and a sleep, then headed back to Brisbane to

pick up some bit and pieces from Chris.

The highlight was fanging around Sydney in Aldo's RVR. What a machine! The ultimate streeter, literally in under a couple of seconds it was at boost and gone, I'm not exaggerating.

Packed full of custom tuning and expertise along with some gearbox magic makes it super quick. The shifts are so fast and solid it's hard to describe till you drive it.

I am an auto convert now! :thumbsup:

It was a 2500km round trip which when you factor in the car park that is Sydney traffic and the perpetual road works on the coast road it worked out to 32 hours driving in a 48 hour period.

I have a rule that I can only take a waz when I fill up the car. The car gets 800km on a tank, so there were a few pigeon toed shuffles to the servo restrooms :wacko:

My scrotum in not overly pleased that it got sat on for that long, and my nipples are still recovering from hoping out of the car to top up the fuel in Toowoomba at 4:30 in jeans, socks ( I don't drive in

shoes) and a t-shirt in 2ºc and a stiff breeze. I got the cap off and by the time I turned to put the nozzle in I was shivering so hard it looked like I was trying to play pin the tail on the donkey while

being electrocuted :blink:

It was good to meet up with fellow 4Gers and put some more faces to names and see some nice cars.

Cheers guys ;)
Was good to meet up Ben. I'm glad you enjoyed the RVR drive. It musta been a bloody cold drive back.
Thanks for delivering the RVR X3 rear bar & bits to me from Toowoomba. Will gerni the road later.
Ben your Auto is the last box I'm building.
No problem Aldo, anytime, great fun! I'll bring mine down to one of the cruises when it's all sorted. I hope the spill cleans up :(

CLuTZ said:
You need a new freight company!
Tried all the ones I could think of, even went through the carriers for Dulux where I work, cheapest I got just to get an exhaust that was cut in 3 pieces from Newcastle to Maryborough was $285

That doesn't include the price for the gearbox or rear bumper or any of the other stuff I had. If I could have found a carrier that was even close to a reasonable amount I'd have jumped at it
Wicked! And I thought I've been around haha
I hope you've got all the bit you need for your car buddy ;)