EVO 4-6 Seats into CC GSR?


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A little off topic sonewhat, but un the discussion if seats, anyone got an e3 rear seat? The one I had bought ages ago had the mounts cut out of it. Was from a forum member which was disappointing.
Guy on Perth evo (danevo6gsr) said this "the GSR seat rails should fit straight on the the base of the front seats"
sexually transmitted disease..that is curable via your doctor....as opposed to an STI. That is a sexually transmitted infection.....this means your dick is going to fall off just because you thought about a subaru
Soooo many "experts" on the internet.

Recaro seats = recaro rails
Standard seats= standard rails.

Im sure this was already mentioned in one of the three threads you have asked about this topic today
The seat mounting locations for all lancers and mirage up until evo 6 ie all cc and ce lancer/ mirage can h e the seats interchanged. To run recaros you must use a set of recaro rails intended for use in lancer evo 1-6.
Yes u can run evo4+ door trims and dash, but involves a fair bit of work

There used to be a guy in central coast with a GSR and MACH3 plates who fitted EVO 6 dash and door trims
You have to use the evo4 dash as well !!

Only thing I don't like about putting recaros in our GSR's is it makes the base of the seat sit so much higher... I've always loved how low you sit in a GSR with factory seats.. I now have EVO 1 seats in my GSR and I've lost the low seating postion... 8(